Kara's hands

I'm probably alone in this and that's fine because I don't mind standing alone, but I find Kara's excessive use of her hands when talking very annoying. She makes hand movements when it doesn't even make sense to make hand movements. She'll have both hands up point I guess while she's talking. That's just weird to me.


That isn't weird when you are a Puerto Rican woman from NYC. We talk with our hands.


Ahh, thanks for pointing that out. Since I'm not a Puerto Rican woman from NY and don't have any close friends that fit the description, that explains why this is so odd to me. It still irks the hell out of me but you did answer my question. It's me.


She's very expressive and I find it invigorating and entertaining- but to each his own


Yep! To each his own indeed.


I love Kara's expressiveness and think she steals every scene she's in...yes to each his own

meanwhile my first love was standing first in line Goapele


The hand thing us sexy, I'd be glad to have them in my face any time!
