How to show it off?

Ok, what I mean is, if there's something you've wanted more than anything else, you've been willing to save up and work two jobs to get, you want to show it off. If it's a new motorcycle, a face lift, hair implants or really nice leather jacket the first thing you do is go out and let people see the new pride of your life. So what do you do if your entire life revolves around getting your labia trimmed and you just got it?


Just let your freak flag FLY, babeeeeeeeee


Perhaps she's not obsessed with her labia. Maybe she's obsessed with what her **boyfriend** thinks of her labia. If her boyfriend focuses next on her chest or other body parts, would she go under the knife to fix that? If that's the case, it would be nice if she built up her self esteem otherwise she's ripe for some manipulation. I don't think she wants to show off her labia per se. She just wants to please other people's expectations of her and becomes obsessed when she isn't.

However, if she came up with wanting to "fix" her labia all on her own. Hmmm...don't know what she'll do next. Take pics of it and show it off on facebook? Anyway, it's a free country. She can do whatever she wants. I liked her mom. She came across as sweet and genuine in her love for her daughter.
