Patsy De La Serda

Anyone else annoyed by this character? Not as in him being bad for the show, but just being quite the drama queen. The character couldn't have a likable bone in his body in real life.


I'm not really sure what the writers are doing with him. His fling or whatever with Dawn is one of the only uninteresting plots so far, but accusing Didi of being homophobic, when she clearly wasn't, is still the thing that bothers me most. Even if it did lead to some great and hilarious scenes with that union rep.

His bluetooth headset also annoys me for some reason.


He's a total jerk.

I like the irony that a person who's a walking incubator of unpleasantness is the promoter of the "Make Somone Happy" campaign.


I also think his dynamic with Dawn is interesting because we are starting to see her manipulate him since every time she pulls the "gay" or "bi" card on him he agrees to see her or feels "confused" about how he feels about her... almost as if he's 'confirming' to himself that he's straight. It's kind of funny because I don't think either of them are aware that any of this is even going on; they are doing it sort of subconsciously.


I, for one, cannot stand the character. Not sure if it's the character per se or the choice of casting Mel Rodriguez. Patsy stands out like a sore thumb- and is the only element standing in the way of making this a brilliant show.


Hmm. I find his unlikability part of what makes the show entertaining.

Doesn't every show or story need someone unlikable? I mean, it's not like I've ever heard anyone say, "I would like 'It's a Wonderful Life,' except that guy Potter ruined it for me" or "Sure, 'Star Wars' would've been good if Darth Vader weren't such a jerk."

This show is, of course, different from those, in that there's no shining good guy either. I'm not sure that matters. FWIW, I find him, as written and played, a very believable jerk, even a fairly typical one, though in a more amusingly pointed way.


Yes, he annoys me too as he seems to only exist to be a total scumbag. He is obviously gay but still allows Dawn to "date him" or do sexual things with him and then denies or doesn't even recall. He accuses Didi of being a homophobe whereas she was clearly trying to be on his side. For a "social worker" he seems to lack any sort of humanity. He is like the male version of the Laurie Metcalf character.


THAT's why this show is so funny! Patsy is delightfully annoying, and the last person you would want to be in this kind of role in real life.


Exactly. The funny (and all too true-to-life) thing is that he thinks he's this nice, sensitive guy who's spreading good feelings, and he's actually a total swine.

I suppose the main characters generally have some weird contradictions (except Didi, the only-normal-person-there through whose eyes we see things with a sane perspective):

- Patsy, mentioned above.
- Dr. James tries to have a a good bedside manner and to be a teacher on rounds, but she is incapable of interacting with other people in a normal manner.
- Dawn is a competent, organized, unflappable nurse, who has no control over her own personal life whatsoever - to the point that, in the last episode, she was acting like she was one of the patients.
- Down to more minor characters, like the head of medicine from the hospital (whatever his name is), who puts on an avuncular, caring face, but doesn't give a damn about anything.




(the other woman who also likes mice)

played the POLYGAMIST wife of HARRY DEAN STATON (Miss Birdie's Boyfriend) in BIG LOVE,

my bet is we'll probably end up with a FEMALE POLYGAMIST type of situation next season

where Dawn will need to see BOTH MEN at the same time as a way to keep all of her BODY PARTS HAPPY???

🐇 🐰


yes his character is definitely annoying but he's the one you love to hate



He's a total hypocrite too. He holds Didi's feet to the fire over a statement that he's clearly taking out of context. All the while, he's having sex with someone who works under him (no pun). I was waiting for the union rep to make an issue out of this when she managed to get that info from Didi, which was a hilarious exchange. Didi saying no while shaking her head up and down, as in yes, lol.
