MovieChat Forums > Getting On (2013) Discussion > An LPN makes $12.50 an hour?

An LPN makes $12.50 an hour?

In California?

I could see MAYBE a nurse making that much in some small village in North Dakota or Arkansas or something.

But do nurses really make that little in California? Don't they have unions?


I was wondering the same thing. I get making the nursing staff beleaguered because of all the stuff they have to put up with, but the writers are saying DiDi is barely making above minimum wage for a nursing position? I feel like the writers are piling on her character -- enough already and it's only the first episode of the season.


An LPN is paid much less than an RN, and $12.50 is actually very possible. As far as your question about unions, some hospitals are unionized and some are not.


I'm finishing up pre-reqs for an LPN program in Michigan and the starting pay is 17.50hr and it goes up from there. I hope to end up working in a prison or school though. That is more like CNA pay (12.50hr).



Not even in the "villages", where I'm currently powering my computer with duct tape, pinwheels, and three fighting roosters.


do nurses really make that little in California? Don't they have unions?

We know they have unions since this show features a very funny union rep.
