No Reunion ???

Why no reunion episodes??? Maybe there was not enough drama to talk about ???

I could only think they couldn't get enough of them to comeback.

Lauren, Kyle, Emily live in the UK.

Trevor isn't gonna want to come back.

Sierra I don't think really cares.

Ben Doesn't care.

Nico, Kelly, Kate, Captin Lee have been on watch what happens live.


Like you said, it's just not feasible! 

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Sometimes there is an informal reunion on WWHL. I'd like to see that, even if everyone can't be there.

Glad BD Med is coming back. I am not into Timber Lodge or whatever that ski show is called. Hope to see everyone again on the BD -Med Board.



Yah I'm not sure about TImber lodge either. I'll check it out. But man I'm gonna miss below deck, this was a good season.


Someone posted there's an informal one Tuesday before Beverly Hills.


According to Kate Chastain there will be no reunion show this season.

Besides, if there was one, even an informal one, it would be in Bravo's best interest not to hide it.


Forget a cast reunion, Andy should interview Ro!


Shame really, I would have liked to have seen Sierra confront Kyle on being a douchebag.


Sierra would look more the fool; esp. when she came off delusional about her job performance! Questioning Kate's treatment of her was "insane in the membrane!"

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True, but Kyle was nasty to her without warrant. It's pretty pathetic to go after someone because your ego is bruised, especially when you're already in a relationship.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


Neither was grownup after their misunderstanding! He tried to ignore her, but you caught her goading him several times, including picking up his radio! She's no saint in this drama!  

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I think a producer might have seen that there wasn't enough drama to talk about. Lets get real, these are real people with real jobs. They are not the real housewives of whatever that create FAKE drama to keep the show going.


Ben & Emily are still a couple! Check their social media. Cute as heck. Everyone loves when real romances come out of these shows. Bravo is missing a big opportunity here. I want to see a Kyle/Sierra reunion with Andy as moderator. Hope he invites them both on WWHL. They had Kate & Lee on, but that was midseason and they had to button up on the details to come.



Bravo is actually pretty cheap, and it's probably much more expensive to fly everyone over from Australia or England, etc for a reunion than it is than, say, the casts from the Housewives, where the reunions are probably filmed in their locales (Beverly Hills, Atlanta, New Jersey).


I could be wrong, but I think most of them live in various areas in Florida. I think Ben said he lives in Ft Lauderdale and a few others have mentioned similar places in Florida.


I know Ben and Kate live in Florida. I think Captain Lee does as well. Not sure about the others.


Pretty sure everyone lives in Florida except Kyle and Lauren. I really do think Bravo could have either paid for a plane ticket for them or had them in via Teleconference. So not sure why they didn't have a reunion. bummer


Per the thread about the producer they said Bravo didn't want to pay for it because the regular episodes get better ratings and also this was the most episodes they have done for below deck
