Funniest show in ages

I was thinking the other day about how lucky we are to have arguably three of the greatest dramas ever, all erring at the same time. Madmen, game of thrones, and breaking bad, With the latter just a couple of hairs behind the other two. All my opinion, of course. But those shows are so tense, just leaving you itching for the next episode.

I gave up on network TV years ago. 30 rock and community can give me the occasional chuckle, but I never watch them more than passively. I didn't realize how much I needed a truly great comedy until family tree came along and caught me unexpected.

Of course, the show is insanely funny, with perfect acting and really well developed characters. Bea and Pete could be stars of the show in their own right. But it's something more than that as well.

My two favorite movies of all time are probably Broadway Danny Rose and city lights. Both are insanely funny and clever, But they have something else in common. They both have true emotional resonance that 99% of comedies just don't have.

Family tree it's that balance of being truly funny yet somehow emotionally engaging. I'm not sure, but maybe it's because of the vulnerability of all the characters, It's kind of invites the viewer to let their guard down and open up. And it's all driven home by the song that plays over the credits, so pretty. And for me, this balance puts it over pretty much everything else Christopher Guest has done. I just hope a lot of people watch it and it doesn't get canceled.

Also, I think I'm developing a crush on bea. At least, I hope so. Otherwise it's a crush on a toy monkey.


Dictated this to my iPhone, so please don't kill me for all the errors.


What app are you using?

But more than that, you hit the nail on the head with the show. I love this one and its ending song that is sweet and perfect, and thoughts of Bea are starting to get hard to shake but I won't deny at this point that the monkey has me charmed as well.
