Fred Willard!

It's not a Chris Guest joint without him. Holy crap, I can't believe he's almost 80. He's still operating at the top of his game. (Nice ass, too.)

This was one of the most enjoyable episode thus far, because it's always fun to see fish out of water stories. Also, with the addition of Begley, Willard and Guest himself, this feels like classic Christopher Guest more than ever. (Can't wait to see where they go with the Lincoln assassination angle.)

By the way, did anyone else find that webcam chat with the monkey to be incredibly creepy?


Webcam chat was creepy at first, then when you discover that she was fired
from her job, suddenly it becomes incredibly sad.

It's interesting how the theme about how different people deal with
depression is starting to really come to the forefront.

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple..."


This. And in Christopher Guest's world .... I forget. But it is interesting to see how the characters escape and/or fill their personal voids. Oh, in his world it is always something singular and unique to each character/actor. What a mighty culling all around in large measure from his organic driven process.

"I'm in a *beep* Cameron Crowe movie!"


Fred is awesome.


Fred is a viking.

Webcam monkey puppet scene was brilliant.

That is all.


Agreed. This may have been the best episode so far. Willard was on fire -- I wouldn't be surprised at how much of that he improvised on the set the day of shooting.


Fred in this series reminds me why he is my favorite player in the Christopher Guest stable... and that's a stable filled with lots and lots of funny people - but I thought this show went to another level when his character was added - and I'm reminded that he had all the best lines in Best In Show... he's just terrific.
