Monkey and TSA

Accidentally posted this on "The Killing" board. That must have caused some confusion.

I was talking with a friend the other day about car seats, and I mentioned how in FT that a character placed her "therapy puppet" in a car seat for a trip. That then got me to thinking about how Monkey would have made it across the ocean and through TSA security checkpoints. It would have been priceless to have heard an uncensored Monkey commenting openly about what most of us think of TSA anyway, and then to have the TSA yoyos responding to Moneky (rather than Bea) as if he were an independent entity. Just so much potential for dark social and political humor. Could you imagine the look on poor Monkey's face after emerging from an interview room where he had just undergone an anal cavity search, maybe even asking the TSA person if he could at least have a cigarette?

I think I need more sleep.


Interesting concept. That would have made for some good TV, indeed. It's too bad this series is only for 8 episodes per season. There's a enough material for just Monkey alone to make it one with the standard 12 episodes.


and he could handle a series better than Charlie Sheen!


That would have been hilarious!
