good gothic fun.

Just watched the movie and am very impressed.... in a way I knew I would be as I loved annabelle too despite all the bad rap.

great atmosphere, sets, props, soundtrack. Art department wise this was a dream. Also very real acting and a good well rounded story which enhances the 'women in black mythos.

Okay it wasn't perfect, but then I don't think I expected much more. I feel the problem with audiences is that they have either given up on the movie from the outset - due to it being a sequel and therefore already having judgements .... or they expect to much...... these types of films tend to follow a formula, which I quite like.... I wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking, and neither should you.... I like creepy dolls... creepy dolls work... I found them creepy, creaky doors... the lot... Its a gothic haunted house story....thats what your going to get! it does what it says on the tin, and does so with flare and good British film making.

ps I love jump scares.

I agree it was dark(in light saturation), but I assumed that was the intention, and I kind of got that!


I agree with all you've said. I'm sure the darkness was intentional. Just about every other suspenseful flick does the same to add to the tension. Often, I find it annoying, because usually you can't even guess at what's supposed to be happening, but in this one I generally didn't have too much trouble.
