MovieChat Forums > PK (2014) Discussion > Seriously ? Idol worship is the problem ...

Seriously ? Idol worship is the problem in this world ?

Is that seriously bollywood's assessment of what is plaguing and terrorizing the world today ?
Grow some balls while continuing to look for your long lost brain bollywood



For muslims, yes


No its not! Its just about India.
And yes, you will not understand this, because you are not familiar with Indian history and d fact that India is a very religious country(in d sense that its people r very religious) and also, that it is also religiously most diverse country in d world!

And BDW, nowhere in d movie, it is claimed or even indirectly hinted that it is d most serious problem in d world! Also, let me ask u a simple question - "what was d most serious nd important problem in general american's mind, after 9/11?"
Yes, u guessed it right - religious terrorism! And now let me tell u that India has faced much more religious terrorism than any other country, starting from 1980s. Also, there is a problem with people being overly superstitious and religious, in India. So, in my view, movie targeted an important(not d most important!) issue in Indian context.


It seems you are confused about what you want to say. On one hand you hint at the religious extremism that is bothering India and the world and on the other hand you support targeting of one religion that is not even in the news for religious terrorism but the lead actor somehow feels like that is more important to spend his energy spreading awareness about
I am from India. and I know my history. Seems strange that your history starts at 1980 not 1000 AD when mass murders and holocausts started in Indian subcontinent
Also the recent intolerance movement catapulted by bollywood sheds some back light on this movie about aamir's intentions in making this movie


Yes, my religion is predominantly discussed/shown in d movie! You know why? Because 80% of population in India is still hindu, and d movie is made for Indian masses.
If u see this movie as targeting a particular religion, u r way out of focus here. Movie is not about any particular religion, but its about religion in general. The message of d movie, though told through the inside of Hinduism mostly(for practical reasons), applies to all religions, and most of all to Islam(since it is d most extremist one)!
Movie doesn't talk about idol worship specifically. If u think that movie is particularly against idol worship(as practised in India), then u hv taken a wrong message, and surely, its just ur own problem.
I am a hindu brahmin, and I didn't find this movie even remotely insulting to Hinduism! Those who find this movie insulting to Hinduism, are exactly those kind of people who tend to make my religion more like Islam. They are narrow minded people without the capability to think critically.
When I heard Baba Ramdev opposing this movie, a funny thought came in my mind. Actually, I am a big proponent of yoga, especially pranayam/meditation. But I thought - Baba Ramdev must've done a lot of Yoga and Pranayam/Meditation. If he thinks/feels this way....then is this Yoga thing really good, or does it make a person narrow minded like him? But this didn't sustained for long, as I have felt the positive affects of doing Yoga. May be Baba Ramdev has too much of a regressive mind, too begin with, to have positive effects of yoga neutralize it.
I have respect for him for what he has contributed to d Indian society, no doubt. But sometimes, he does things which makes a very bad impression. Once I heard him on TV, telling that egg is d chicken's potty, lol!


so let me get this straight. they decide to make a movie against religious bigotry and intolerance and they choose to pick the wrong religion ?
Can you name 3 Bollywood movies that address the issue of Islamic terrorism please, which according to you is the biggest problem world is facing and to a big extent India is facing after 1980
Bollywood is better off making love stories instead of dealing with serious issues


It was not specifically about religious intolerance(obviously that was a part), but about the way in which religion evolves after its creation, the man made order/organisation that becomes a part of it, and about the nature of religion(as practically experienced in d current world, in d form of different religions) itself.

About movies on Islamic terrorism - OHH..COMMEONNN..!!! R u deliberately trying to be ignorant here? There hv been atleast dozens of movies made on islamic terrorism.

Nevertheless, I agree that Bollywood doesn't hv d guts to make an islamic equivalent of PK(in a imaginary scenario like where muslim percentage in India's population is 50%). And that is d indirect result of our politicians and d nature of islam and d islamic society itself.

U can also read my post in this same message board, titled "This film is not anti hindu....", if u may want to get a better picture of my views.


manubhatt3-You are not familiar with muslims in truth, you are not even remotely familiar with Pakistani tv material, mainstream stuff which often challenges the system of peer-mureedi and extremism, gender specific discrimination etc. There are many many pakistani dramas that have come and gone and many touch upon these topics. I think deep down you know about this pretty well and your comments are a defence mechanism because you feel crap about what this movie brought to attention about the problems within your own religion. Furthermore you forget the character in the movie also represents the ignorant mind of an 'alien' who still has a lot to learn. His biggest issue is with a society where people give their wealth to the temple/gurus and get nothing in return. has very little to do with islam that.


I don't feel crap about anything shown in the movie(properly read my above comments!)
AND I have not said anywhere that this movie has to do something particularly about Islam.
It is a general commentary on religions, and given the predominant religion of India is hinduism and that this movie is made in India for Indian crowds, hinduism is the example presented, obviously.
May be the Pakistani TV challenges extremism. So what? I have never said that it doesn't. But the fact that it has/needs to challenge extremism, itself says about the state of Islam and Islamic society!

Islam is in a dire need of positive and liberal reform. Period!

There are two muslim majority countries in South Asia itself, which we can look to, and guess what will be the state of our country, if it happens to become a muslim majority country.

Pakistan doesn't need any explanation. There even the media has failed to cover the dire state of hindus. Hindus there live in fear and had been slowly converted to Islam or runaway to India. As for Bangladesh, minorities there are not in very good condition either. Numerous temples have been destroyed there. Many times one -sided riots have took place against hindus, that too without any provocation!
I can't imagine what will be the result if a two coaches of a train filled with Muslim Maulavies are burned alive in Bangladesh. Here only 1500 muslims were killed. There the whole hindu population would surely be wiped out.

Islam has many things in his holy book which can have negative interpretations wrt to the modern liberal world. Those interpretations have been used for evil for a millenia, but I haven't heard from one Maulvi saying that the whole doctrine of Jihad should be abolished and condemned.
Whatever the positive things about Islam, fact remains that Islam has always treated itself on a different scale w.r.t. to other religions. It is d lone hypocritical in d world of religions. It is ill-suited for a multi-religious world.


Unfortunately Pakistan is involved in a wider political game and is in chaos. Why did you purposely choose to bring up pakistan/islam though? you should mind your own. Look at what Aamir khan said and the response he got from his own countrymen. The only difference between india and pakistan is that India still has a responsibility to protect it's global image and maintain this idea of being the more civilised of it's neighbours. Indians are so touchy on this matter that they wanted Aamir khan dead just because he criticised the growing hindu facist elements in india.
I have issues with several things you've mentioned and could go into detail to answer you but I can't be bothered elaborating because there are too many ignorant indian folk like you online these days.
a never ending stream of bs.


I didn't brought up Pakistan/Islam, you did!

I agree what u said about Aamir khan. Anyways, if u can't make any arguments, then don't make comments or criticize just like that - because then that has no value, for me as well as the other readers!


Islam is the best religion out there ! If you can't understand that then it is your problem not islams ! And i don't mean you but anybody in general and especially muslims how don't understand many things in islam and therefore thaere a lot of discrimination and wrong doings wich stupid people blame islam for it.
And by the way islam terrorism isn't even 10% of worlds terrorisem while muslim population is 20% from the worlds population which makes the muslims quite peacful ! The media wants to make islam look bad and i am pissed that it has succeded


you explained the problem with Islam yourself! If something is misinterpreted so often, and there is so much harm to the world because of this misinterpretation, then I think that thing shud be banned from interpretation.

Regrading miniscule percentage of people being terrorist, let me inform u my frnd that there are many muslims who support and have sympathies for these terrorists, to varying degrees. Besides that, there are other many problems with Islam. Its regressive attitude and culture and a deep inability to reform itself! If u don't agree, just try to find out how regressive the laws are in most of the islamic countries in the middle east.


OP, where did you get this idea that the movie was screaming out 'idol worship is a biggest problem'? As far as I realized, it made fun of fake gurus and unproven ridiculous practices.

I want George Clooney for the President


Me too!!!
(I mean...George Clooney for the President)


Even when the world is getting burned by Muslim terrorists everywhere including India, this stupid movie ignores the fact and potrays a non issue as a major problem.
The director and actor of the movie should be whipped naked with an electric whip and beaten with well oiled bamboo sticks in a public place.

Stupid traitors

Amir is a chutiya madarchod and all his fans are Randi ki aulaad bhadwe

- Thinking is the conversation of the soul with itself- Aristotle


Well, you definitely got the wrong phone number.

The movie portrays a MAJOR issue as a MAJOR problem- religion.

The movie is not about which religion is right or wrong, it is that ALL religions are wrong. It is not even saying there is no GOd- it is saying, and actually stated clearly, that there is a difference between the real God none of us knows anything about, and the imaginary Gods humans invent with their religions, and pretend they communicate with.

And the movie ignored nothing. The musician who found and befriended PK was killed by Muslim terrorists, the movie made that perfectly clear. It also made perfectly clear how the Guru gloated about that, claiming that Hinduism is superior because of it.

Te point is NO religion is superior or inferior- they are all dialing wrong numbers, and just talking to themselves, not God.


very well said nick 1184
