Horrendous taste

I admit this show is my guilty pleasure. But what is it with this type of men? They dress in horrible type of clothes that they think makes them cool? Those baggy or boot cut jeans over sneakers, those gaudy crosses, garish clothes items. That stuff makes you look like a stupid clueless bydlo. Are you trying to be a outlaw biker? Those guys look clueless just like you. It's like you're stuck in 1993.
If you want to look cool, like a man's man - emulate Steve McQueen.
Keyword: SUBTLE


It's just an appearance "package" for the show. I not it's not everyone's taste,
but they decided (or someone did) that this will be the theme for it and so it went, I guess.


I gotta chime in on the 'taste' thing.
I don't get why people would want their cars/bikes covered in skulls or demons or other weird and creepy things.
I also really liked that 67 Mustang from the other night but just didn't like the colours they went with - the orange and maroon just didn't do it for me.
I also wouldn't want to pay $40,000 do be a walking advertisement for Danny's shop - if you want to put your logo on my car you can pay ME to carry around your ad.
So I guess taste is pretty personal.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


yeah blaircam i agree with you, a lot of rides this show has are ruined by some god awful paint choices.

i remember a while back they did a mustang in brown, boy that was bad choice of colour...

this weeks bike build didn't need the green the purple and the metal flake was enough.

the truck looked cool though i did really like the faux chrome paint job.


i saw wht they did w tht 76 sportster..it did looked good chopped..but i would hve kept it original...


Talking about bad taste, what about that idiot fascinated by horns and wanting to put them on every car.


Agreed, that guy is so extremely annoying.


What is a bydlo?


How do you suggest working guys to dress?

This doesn't look anything like 1993.

The sleeveless shirts are awful. Fat guys anywhere shouldn't walk around in sleeveless shirts, that is so disgusting...


For some of us, that is our style. How they dress on this show is pretty much how I've dressed most of my life (and yes, I ride a Harley), and I'm 44. But you don't have to be an outlaw biker to dress this way. Do you want them wearing khaki pants? How about those ridiculously gay scarves that men are wearing today? Personally, I think anyone who follows the latest fashion trends is an idiot. They have no style, they have no identity. They dress the way magazines and pop culture tell them they should dress. At least we have our own identities.
