Modern Day Thomas Edison?

I couldn't agree more.

Edison was a thief who stole people's ideas and patented them as his own. Just like Jobs.

Edison is thought to have invented the electric bulb or incandescent lamp, the electric chair, the movie camera, the power generator, X-ray photographs, the battery, the record player, wax paper and the telegraph.

He didn't. Other people did, and he took the credit.

Likewise, Steve Jobs didn't invent the Mac, the iPod or the tablet computer. But he's happy to sue anyone who thinks otherwise.


Spot on, Dont have anything to add to this post, Glad im not the only one who thinks that way.

Also this doc is pathetic. It feels like a documentary by scientology about scientology would probably feel. Dont bother with this pretentious crap. And thats coming from someone who owns an iphone....
