MovieChat Forums > The Dirties (2014) Discussion > I liked this movie but it ended so abrup...

I liked this movie but it ended so abruptly *spoilers*

So when Matt killed the two bullies and then finds Owen trying to hide In a closet and Matt says "What are you doing? It's me!" to Owen, The movie just ends it made me want to know more of what happened afterwards. I don't think he would of killed Owen but I wanted to know If Matt ends up getting taken down by cops and how this tragedy was effected everyone In the school. Or was the ending up to the viewers own interpretation? What are your thoughts?

Also, I've never read Catcher In The Rye so why is it that serial killers are always linked to this book? Not all serial killers but some. Its even mentioned in the movie.



I thought the point of the ending was fairly obvious.

Throughout the film, it's shown that Matt thinks his plan is perfectly sane and rational. Owen gradually distances himself from the idea, wanting nothing to do with it and scared that Matt might actually act.

When Owen sees Matt in the school, he runs, as he realises he's finally enacting his plan and is running around school shooting people - he does what any sane person would do in that situation, and runs.

But from Matt's point of view, he's hurt and confused that Owen would run. In his mind, it's okay to kill "the dirties" and he has no intention of hurting anyone else, least of all Owen - he's confused and can't understand why Owen, his best friend, would possibly run away from him. He can't see the insanity of the situation.

I thought it was the perfect ending and the perfect note to on which to end our insight into the two characters and their relationship.


Great post!


"I don't think he would of killed Owen"

Would HAVE.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


I read Catcher in the Rye in high school, the main character Holden Caufield has a thing against "phonies" and I guess serial killers kill what in their minds are "phonies".


And just like Caufield, the main character was a whining brat who didn't like the word "no." Just complained about everything and didn't take any reasonable measures to solve his problems.

