MovieChat Forums > Madame Bovary (2015) Discussion > Ezra Miller as Leon, just no.

Ezra Miller as Leon, just no.

I read the book many years ago, and watched other adaptations.

I do like Ezra Miller as an actor, but I just felt unsettled with him playing this role, it did not fit him (my opinion)

In general I did not like much this adaptation. Landscape, costumes and the actors played it well, but I did not love it, like I was expecting to.

Not because I also felt like shaking Emma's head to see if she would think straight. She had a good life, a good husband, but threw it away. Certainly is more understandable why she was like that giving the time period and the way she was raised.

But still something about this adaptation seems off to me.

No need to hate, this is just my opinion.



I agree with you saying something felt off about it. I don't think Mia's acting was good enough to make us feel all that Emma feels - it felt a little detached to me. I also agree with you about Ezra Miller being wrong for the part. I thought he looked too young and weak. I didn't feel any sadness when Emma died, in fact I was kind of glad she did but I felt sorry for her husband, left having to pick up all the pieces the left him.



I respect your opinion.

I wasn't questioning Leon himself, I read the book a few times, and watched almost all of the pieces about it that exist out there.

I like all of the actors they chose, I watch almost anything with Mia. But to me, something did not feel right.

Too bad Emma could not see all her husband did for her. Even though I understand how she came to do the things she did, it was sad that she did not get to really be happy with him. She could have... With time, love and patience, I believe Charles could have been brought a little bit more to the "artistic side of the force".

These damn tragedies... This and Anna Karenina... Love them!



How the HELL is the boy still getting parts?!?! He's not a great actor in my opinion


and hes effing creepy looking. and hes played so many perverted roles in movies i cringe just looking at him cause he already looks like a creepy loner who jerks off in the basement all day long.


I agree. I think he is the weirdest-looking guy, although his acting was OK (especially in the scenes where he is taken aback by Emma's unexpected appearances in the law office). He did not fit my conception of Leon, partly because the part has been played by other (and more mature) actors in previous versions of the novel, and partly because his impact on Emma's life is given short shrift in this film. Logan Marshall-Green and Henry Lloyd-Hughes were far more effective in capturing the essence of Flaubert's male characters, with the latter being especially noteworthy.


wow. you two are SO rude!
he isn't weird or creepy looking at all.. I think he has a very nice looking face... not everyone in this world should look like Brad Pitt or someoone equally boring.
I think Ezra has a very good looking face!


different strokes for different folks........calm down. actually i dont find brad pitt attractive. ive never been attracted to brat pitt, or colin farrell all those typical guys that women swoon over. i happen to find channing tatum incredibly unattractive. wanna know my biggest celebrity crush? Jason Segel. sorry your judgment was wrong but i actually am not attracted to your "typical hollywood hunk" at all. So dont judge people because of ONE of their opinions that happens to be different than yours----simmer down.


How the HELL is the boy still getting parts?!?! He's not a great actor in my opinion

He was damn good in We Need to Talk About Kevin and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Have you seen those films?

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


I've just taken a closer look at Ezra Miller, as I've never seen him in anything else, and I think he's rather sweet looking. He's only a few months older than my own son, but I had the impression in the film that Emma Bovary was also not very old, maybe 18 or 19? So I didn't find it at all impossible that she would fall for him, not only his youthful looks but also to his creativity, the way he decribed the Swiss mountains for instance.

I certainly don't see him as some kind of creep masturbating in his room at night.
