A little angel, right.

Amazing how this film turns Grant into a perfect little angel. The kid was a thug, had an attitude, and was a trouble maker. Check out the "Real" facts about how Oscar liked to spend his time and how he spent his days reading the bible and trying to cure cancer. The real problem in America today is the entitled "You owe me" attitude and the chip on the shoulder of black youth. You can talk until your blue in the face and try to explain common sense.



Does this all means he deserved to get shot?


Yup, bound to happen sooner or later anyways.




Oh, you personally knew him? Do tell us how you know so much more about this kid than the people who made a movie about his life?


How do they make him seem like an angel? The movie starts with him cheating on his girlfriend and hiding his weed from his kid. He's unemployed and got violent with his former boss. Sure maybe he was MORE of a "thug" in real life, but they're also not depicting him as an angel in this movie.


There is a scene towards the end that shows him throwing away the weed at a river or something, right? (long time since I watched) Since that doesn't seem like an actual fact, I wonder why the need to write a fake scene to show he was trying to be a better person just before the accident. It seemed manipulative.


he doesnt even call his mom on her birthday, he texts her at the end of the night. hes a total douche.



About the text, it was done at 12:15 am, his moms was most likely asleep and he sent the text so she would see it when she woke up.
And as far was how much trouble he caused, or what kind of activities he got into, we will never, NEVER, be able to know if he would've done better in his life because some piece of *beep* cop murdered him. Why does the fact that he had problems with the law make it perfectly alright to murder a man that was being HELD DOWN BY TWO POLICE OFFICERS, and had no weapons on him.

Drink up, let's boo boo.


Did you even see the film? It starts out with him being a "thug". It didn't shy away from it too much, but it also wanted to be respectful towards THE DEAD. He is not here to defend himself and your accusations. Guess what...nobody is perfect, not you, not me, NO ONE.
They're are no "perfect little angels" in this world, which makes the movie feel so real. It didn't show him as perfect or not...it showed what he cared about most, his family. How he was a criminal who can't land a steady job because of HIS choices. He has a short temper too. Infact you could not have seen the movie, otherwise you wouldn't even be saying that. Part of the beauty of this film WAS the fact that he wasn't perfect or didn't try to glorify him, it just tried to respect him.


He got shot in the back when he was down on the ground and detained. But he had an "attitude" so it's okay. You sound like a real pr*ck, but that doesn't make it alright for someone to take your life because they don't like you, now does it?


Triggered, ooo did they pinch a nerve?


I just finished the movie, and it literally depicted him stashing weed, getting into fights in jail and harassing his old boss. That's hardly the depiction of an "angel."

He also clearly didn't start that fight, which had many witnesses on the train. Also, please tell me how you know if he had an attitude?
