Aaron Poole

I thought the similarity between Aaron Poole and Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad was striking.


We did too. My husband noticed it right away.


He reminds me of David Ghetta


Me too! I think it's odd that they're in no way related...throughout the film I was convinced that it was his older brother or something. The way they look, the way they talk, act, everything is so similar...and to have such similar names, too? So weird! Lol.


I was thinking the same thing as I watched it last night. He even had the mannerisms of Aaron Paul in some scenes. Then when I saw his name was Aaron Poole my wife and I were like wow that is pretty close to Aaron Paul.


I thought it was him at first with dyed hair. :p They could be twins. It's also odd that their names are so similar too.


Funny how everyone on this post (including myself) thought the same thing regarding the resemblance of Poole/Paul.
