
Not only do I not understand what this movie was about, but I really don't understand how so many people can say it was good. I clearly did not watch the same movie as y'all did, bc the movie I just watched had no point. Idk if u can even say it was a movie, I thought a movie had 2 have a story of some sort involved. All I saw was a guy inherit a house, go through what was either mental delusions or some sort of haunting, make a few plotless phone calls, and then leave the house... Maybe he left the house, idk if he left the house bc its possible he was never even at the house since the ending made it out 2 seem as if it was just all pretend thoughts in a dead woman's mind.


I agree, this movie sucked. I almost turned it off half way through, but once "stuff" started "happening" I decided to watch the rest. It was not worth the waste of your life to watch. Not much happened in the movie, and the things that did happen did not really make sense and it definitely not scary. It can be compared to The Buried, which was about as exciting.


I agree, it sucked but here is your answer
The mother killed herself since she waited decades for her son to attempt to reconnect, yet he never did. Her eternal soul lives on in the house (which the son never returned to even after finding out his mother committed suicide). She was in a sisyphean version of hell where she has to endure the same task over and over - constantly imagining him returning to the house and trying to communicate with him through supernatural forces so that he finally believes that religion and souls are real. Her goal is for him to try to reach out to his mother and tell her he misses her (aka the scenes of him listening to that "communicating with the dead" tape, her asking "Do you miss me as much as I miss you"), and every time she thinks she's succeeding (getting to the top of the hill with the boulder) and he seems to be believing in souls, the boulder falls back down and Leon lets the last candle get blown out to prove he has no interest in souls being real and his mother still existing, as he doesn't care to communicate to her ever again.


How could the mother crucify herself by herself?


A totally pointless movie. A waste of time


I thought I was the only one that was lost I really didn't get this movie at all.
