What kind of camera?

Despite this being so notoriously bad, I have to say that parts of it seem competently shot and lit. I'm just curious if they used an ultra high-end digital camera for this. Compared to, say Birdemic and The Room.... this almost looks professional in that aspect.
Obviously it has a LOT of other problems, haha... but the integrity of the images was surprisingly NOT terrible.

"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


A potato


Seeing as how Neil won't budge with talking about the budget or what went into making this, one can only guess he used a potato...or at least was smart enough to not to what Tommy Wiseau did and bought two different kinds of cameras instead of renting them.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles
