Why Spiderman can't?? Be Black.

Well, the honest, non PC reason is.... Spiderman was created by a White person, starring a White teenager, for White readers. I know this will blow your multicultural brains but there was and still is some "natural" segregation. It just happens. Now Chappelle is hilarious, Chris Rock sur used to be Before he sold out to the Dreamworls / talentless George Lopez type gigs. This guy is at best below average, maybe that's what the kids think is funny today.... Sad


Who's not letting him be Spider-man anyway? Are government officials going to arrest him if he's dressed up like Spider-man? How can you tell if someone's Spider-man in that costume anyway? You can't see skin color under the costume. I don't get the joke.


What I got from the joke was that before any definite casting for The Amazing Spiderman was announced, Donald Glover was rumored to be in the running for the role, but obviously lost to Andrew Garfield. Although there was no truth to the rumor to begin with, some people called it racist that Glover wasn't cast.


I wonder why there wasn't any rumblings about a white guy running for the role of Shaft in the Shaft remake? Oh yeah because it would be equally as dumb.


Except for the fact that being black has a large part to do with Shaft's character while being white doesn't inform Spider-Man's character at all.

Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.


Except for the fact that Spider-Man in the comic book is white which informs you he should be white. Maybe there should have been grumblings that a white guy should play Hancock but again that would be equally as dumb.


There's absolutely NO reason that Spiderman has to stay white,or that he should be white anymore. it shouldn't even matter anymore, but apparently it does to you. Tired of stupid, dumb-a** argument about a comic book character, for goodness' sake.


You are correct, you don't get the joke.


Thanks for that pearl of wisdom.

If you like this guy's jokes then I have one for you.

Racist white people.

Hahaha wasn't that funny? I'm so clever, hip and controversial.
