RIP DC animated televison

Can't believe it's down to Teen Titans Go now, a show where one of the episodes was literally devoted to singing about pie and calling each other "bro".


CN even said its returning for 2014/15 season instead of this crap they should of revived the original :)


If I ever get that one get out of prison free card I think torturing the producer\TV executive that green lit that show would be a good use for it.


You have my full support.

They manage to bring back ALL the voiceactors, a feat unheard of these days, only to waste them on this garbage.


There was MASS support and begging for a season 6 of the original Teen Titans, and they had all the pieces together to meet those demands and profit - but then someone in the planning room must've went "You know what? Let's make this new show for preteens who find "brah" jokes hilarious, and take all the action and actual story arcs out of it!"

If I had aforementioned get out of jail free card, as well as a time machine - I think I'd go back and put a bullet in that guy's brain.


you'd need one hell of an aim.

I am Gods gift to women. God is a cynical bastard.


Is a new DC show even in the works? For a while they were throwing everything against the wall, Young Justice, Krpypto, Legion of Super-Heroes, Green Lantern. Now almost nothing, and I'm not even hearing about anything new in the works.


There have been hints of a new Justice League cartoon called either "Justice League of America" or "Justice League Action". It hasn't been officially announced.

It will most likely be aired on Boomerang instead of Cartoon Network, though.


I hated the whole JL of America angle, they need to make it more universal and just go with Justice League.

But I feel like they would dumb it down to whatever crap they've been doing these days.


Well, it's now called Justice League Action, so it'll definitely be more global.
