MovieChat Forums > Steel Magnolias (2012) Discussion > There's been tons of remakes with white ...

There's been tons of remakes with white actors

So why must we turn this into a race thing? If you adore the original and don't want it remade, fine. But it being with a black cast should have nothing to do with someone being opposed to this. There's been, what, two or three high-profile remakes with an ethnic ensemble, yet numerous remakes with white/mostly white ensembles.


Movies with originally an all black cast being re-made with an all white cast? Name one, cuz I can't think of any off the top of my head.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.


To be frank there really aren't that many films with black ensembles that are well known and liked enough outside of the African American community to bother with a mostly white ensembled remake. And the few widely popular movies there are would probably lose their meaning and purpose without an ethnic cast. There has been a lot of adaptations of novels, video games and cartoons where the characters were clearly not white but were represented as such in the movie adaptation.

Look, I won't be watching the remake. I don't even care for the original. I just think people should move away from it being a race thing. This movie is so popular amoung women of all races and backgrounds. A remake was probably inevitable whether it happened now or later or rather it was with a white or black cast.


You knew what she meant... Geez... Semantics... I tell you...

The point is, they remake movies EVERY day... The concern is not it's being remade by an all-black cast, but that a classic is being remade...

You people are the disease, but I've got the cure. ~Morgan on "Chuck"


Me neither but I can think of a few remakes that had an azn cast originally but got ethnic overhaul

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains."



It's a 'race thing' because the movie was remade with an all black cast. It was intentionally about race. There was nothing new or necessary brought to this production, other than changing the characters' race.


What are the "tons of remakes with white actors"?

I know there have been remakes of foreign films, and some old American classics but most of them were so long ago that the majority of current audiences havn't seen the originals.

That is one of the bigger problems I see with this Steel Magnolias, they remade an iconic American film that most of today's audience knows. Kinda like remaking Annie Hall or E.T. or Jaws. Unless you think you're going to do it better, I don't understand why these filmmakers wouldn't have better spent their time and money making something new and good that audiences haven't seen.

And what are all the "tons of remakes with white actors"?


I understood that this was going to be a straight remake, so I don't see a race thing going on here.

I also read, here in fact, that the playwright wanted to do an african american version.

what's the big deal. the original was made in the 80's.

this is a fine cast and i will reserve judgement until i actually see it.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Now that I've seen it, i don't see what all the fuss was/is about?

Really, calm down.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Sorry moosefeathers but I don't see any hysterics here that would warrant an admonition to "calm down".

What I see is people being disappointed, and confused. Disappointed in the movie and confused as to why it was even made.

When I first heard there was going to be a remake I was excited, eager to see what fresh spin this production would bring. When there wasn't anything fresh or even different and the whole film was ho-hum, made-for-tv mediocre I was disappointed, and also confused wondering why the filmmakers even bothered making it. Just to have a Black cast? Are we also going to see it with an Asian cast, or Latina? All of which would be fine if you're going to bring something other than race to it, something that makes it better or at least different so that a lot of money and effort isn't wasted to simply do a remake that reminds the public how great the original is.

I get that the play's author had originally wanted it done with a Black cast and had that happened, with a cast of outstanding actresses, it would have become the classic Steel Magnolias we would be comparing every subsequent remake to. I can't help imagine that those remakes would be better than this one.
