MovieChat Forums > Steel Magnolias (2012) Discussion > ALL THE DIALOGUE IS THE SAME!


Seriously, if you watch the trailer they quote the 80's version almost word for word. Why on earth did they gave to make a remake-and an all black version at that? I'm black and think it was totally unecessary; the original is a true classic.

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


I'm really torn. I know the trailer dialog is almost word-for-word but perhaps they took the best quotes of the original and placed them into the re-make.

Re-makes are all Hollywood has ever been capable of, really. There comes a point in time when there are only so many original stories and it's easier to adapt something old for a new audience then it is to try to create something original.

At the same time, the original is indeed a classic and that fact alone is almost enough to say 'You don't need to remake it'. And then you think about all the wonderful performances. A re-make often sees those originals tainted.

Still, when it comes out I will watch it. Perhaps there will be differences, perhaps not. Only time will tell!



I'm sure they're going to "ghetto" up the language.

I know where I've been shot, dammit, I'm a doctor!



I hope it is the same dialogue. It's priceless. What is wrong with a remake. We do plays over and over again. I've been hooked on films for 56 years. Now I'm watching the real oldies. There have been many wonderful remakes over the years. I think this cast of characters is great and I will enjoy watching it with my daughter and granddaughters.


You do realize that Steel Magnolias is a play??? Of course a lot of the dialogue would be the same!

Compelling.Brilliant.Beautifully acted.


You do realize that the play and the film are completely different in style and dialogue...right?


Have actually you seen the play? I have, 3 times. Much of the dialogue is exactly the same as the movie.


Sorry, I keep forgetting Drumm, Spud, Jackson, and Sammy's roles with all their dialogue in the movie being featured in the play. I forgot that the play doesn't take place in just one location. I forgot that movies and plays must be 100% the same, despite the different medium. I forgot how much Les Miserables is going to suck because the set pieces they use are not the same as in the play.


Not the same. I heard a Beyonce reference. Bleh.


It was a stage play before it was a film so I'm guessing they were staying close to the original source material.


I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

I know where I've been shot, dammit, I'm a doctor!


it's the same dialogue because it's based on a PLAY!


Just another reason why they shouldn't have remade it. 99% of people with any knowledge of Steel Magnolias knows it solely from its movie form. From now on we when speaking of this amazing classic we will have to differentiate it by saying "oh is that the one with Sally Field or Queen Latifah?" I can't even believe they thought this was a good idea. I'm just glad Tyler Perry didn't produce it even though they are using 95% of his casting list.


Which you've obviously never seen or you'd realize how dumb you just sounded.


I knew it was a play, but the thought skipped my mind at the time that I wrote this. I was more peeved than anything..."yet another remake?" But I still stand by my opinion...I don't know why they remade it, and with the actors they decided to use, at that. The only people I'm excited to see are Phylicia Rashad and Alfre Woodard; they're both phenomenal in all the other movies I've watched them in. Ah well..

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


I know. I wasn't replying to you. :)

And I totally agree with your sentiments.


Ha, oh okay

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


I am black, and I also agree.




I agree rhudsonrte66, the stage plays are always worth seeing. I find that the older/seasoned the actresses, the more I enjoy the play.

This production however doesn't even come close to being enjoyable as some of the local theatre productions I've seen. Bad casting, obvious acting, and cheap production all caused me to be disappointed in this version. Which is too bad because I'm sure it had the largest budget next to the original film!

Costly is not necessarily better.


I've never seen it in play form, but would love to. I am usually not a big fan of remakes, but in this case was very much looking forward to this movie with such a wonderful cast. I failed to take into account the lack of time they had to show this story on Lifetime. It made a difference. I didn't get the sense of history with these women that I got with the cast of the 1989 movie. There were places that it was very good, but in the future when someone mentions the movie Steel Magnolias, I don't think anyone will question "which one".
