MovieChat Forums > Kendra on Top (2012) Discussion > a cat is a better mother....

a cat is a better mother....

She ignores her kid, sad...


I agree! The hug she gave little hank after she came from her mothers house was the most awkward hug I've ever seen between a small child and his mother! Sad!


Why do u say that? Because its a 30 min show and she's not centering the story lines around exploiting her child? Because that would be sad.


yeah really or bc its heavily edited. Maybe they dont want little hank in the spotlight too much....



If you watched them on Celebrity Wife Swap you saw that Kendra is not exactly a hands on mother. Big Hank is the caretaker for both little Hank and for her as well. And they also have a housekeeper. So Kendra does absolutely nothing for herself or her child. All she does is party with her girlfriends.
Now she has another baby. You can be sure there was someone there to take care of that baby while Hank was gone. Because Kendra doesn't have a clue about how to care for a baby. Look at when she tried to make a bottle for the baby and spilled it all over the floor. She's totally helpless without Hank.
She can't even clean up after herself. Do you ever notice what a disaster her bedroom is? She's a slob.
If she's smart she'll stay with Hank. Because of she has to pay someone to do everything he does for her she'll be shelling out a fortune.



Yes... that's why little Hank pushes her away and doesn't want to cuddle with her. She has never shown him any maternal love.
Whatever faults big Hank may have, he's a very good father.


Hey, this is insulting to cats!

"Thank you for the Dada-ist peptalk. I feel much more abstract now."--Buffy


Kendra couldn't even hold the baby right, I was cringing when she was holding her newborn daughter, not even supporting her head at all.
That poor baby's head was jerking back and forth while she would hold it (at only 5 weeks old)


Kendra and hank act like they have no kids
Majority of season 1 we didn't even see little hank at all.
And the amount of times one or both of them were out partying and going to another state or something alone.
Or going on weekend trips like every other episode.
From the looks of it, they spend no time with little hank.
God knows why she went and chose to have another kid, cos she doesn't even spend time with the one she had already.

Yes I get it that mums and dads need alone time every now and then, but this is just ridiculous,
Rosa should be getting full credit for raising that little boy.
Even when they are home, rosa is looking after him! You would think when they were home they would not have her bathing him and looking after him.
