MovieChat Forums > Kendra on Top (2012) Discussion > Jessica... UGH. She likes the attention.

Jessica... UGH. She likes the attention.

She is getting on my nerves and has too much dialogue. She is rubbing me the wrong way bc it seems like she likes the new attention she's getting because Hank isn't there. Her wording is annoying and all it does is makes her look and sound like she is really enjoying the air time she's getting. Over used for sure.


yep & I strongly suspect she's the leak.


Yeah, she sure does like to talk to Hank on the phone so I wouldn't doubt she was playing both sides since she does know EVERYTHING. Watch, come Friday Kendra hears something involving her.


I thought the transgender was the leak whk went to the media,no?


I don't think there is anything wrong with Jessica enjoying the attention she is getting. She has been riding on Kendra's coattails for a couple of seasons now. No matter how you cut it, she is a good friend to Kendra. I see none of Kendra's "friends" still around from Girls Next Door.


<< I see none of Kendra's "friends" still around from Girls Next Door. >>

We don't really know that. Sometimes people just don't want to be filmed for whatever reasons.


^You're telling me that Bridget and Holly, just to name two women with whom she was very friendly, no longer wish to be filmed?


No, but maybe one or another called or came over when the cameras were not there or maybe they all hate each other, IDK. Besides, calling a friend after such a humiliating story is kind of a hard call to make...I mean I would kind of feel like I was snooping for details; you really don't know what to say.


All I know is that Jessica is gorgeous, so the more I see her the better!


Everytime kendra goes out with her or if she tells jessica that she is going somewhere the paps show up. Im convinced she has the paps in her contact list and she gets paid a bit of change on the side for exposing kendra's where abouts.


I swear she leaked the whole, wedding ring being thrown down the toilet and kendra punching walls story too. Didn't kendra say she had been there for her since day one?
