MovieChat Forums > The Identical (2014) Discussion > 4.6? Seriously? People this deserves at ...

4.6? Seriously? People this deserves at least a 7!

Saw this on Netflix had ZERO expectations. Just because it's about a preacher's kid struggling to find his calling in life they put it under Faith based movies which turns away people not wanting a saccarhin typical christian movie and pisses off the folks who want a typical saccarhin christian movie because it isn't one! It's more of a coming of age story, a guy looking for his calling in life, who happens to be a pracher's kid.

It's a refeshing fun entertaining movie.
If you like music, if you like Elvis OR if you just like "what if?" stories then this one is for you, cause the story is basically what if Elvis had an identical twin brother that was given up for adoption and didn't know it, who would he become? What a great premise!

The cast is very competent, the story well told, someone else has compared it to the male version of Dreamgirls, I would say that's on point. Tone-wise it's in the same vein as the Jackson 5 biography miniseries that was done a while back for TV. This movie actually would've been a great 2 part mini series, I think they aimed a bit too high with making it a motion picture. BUt it's definitely worth your time. Give it a shot.

PS: For those wondering, yes this is kid friendly, 8 and above. (BUt not dripping with saccahrin.)


It's not just because it's a mildly faith-based film; this movie is terrible because it is poorly written and subsequently acted for the most part, the casting is off (particularly when Ryan Wade and his friend Dino are supposed to be teenagers being played by 40-year-old Blake Rayne and Seth Green), and it does absolutely nothing new that other superior coming-of-age films haven't done already.

The movie plays it extraordinarily safe without doing anything remotely fresh beyond the premise, except for coming up with the ridiculous name Drexel Hemsley because they didn't want to use Elvis (who inexplicably exists in this film as well, as his name is mentioned by Ryan's manager later). Not to mention the complete ignoring of history, such as segregation, Civil Rights and the Vietnam War, as the only historical event that the film deems worth mentioning is the Six Day War, to which it devotes an entire title card. What!?

The only thing I can't bash in this movie is the cinematography. It is well-shot, but there are many other reasons this movie doesn't deserve anything above a 4, let alone a 4.6.


I thought it was a remarkable movie, had two of my favorite actors in it, though Blake Rayne didn't "act", Ray Liotta has been in the business many years, in Goodfellas, Field of Dreams and really knows how to act, earned himself an Emmy for best guest appearance. Not everyone has the same tastes. I'd give it a......9

He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.


I'm glad I didn't check it out here before renting the movie. It is so much better than what some are saying. My only complaint was that Blake Rayne was too old. Lots of subtle references to Elvis, but it adds to the movie. 8/10
