Ray Liota

He stole the show! His acting was great! Best part of the movie was his final speech by the car to his son! Great acting. It brought me to tears.

The opening if the film was very well done too. The whole black and white section!

I actually thought the Elvis actor did a good job for his first acting gig too!



~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


The main actor that was playing the Elvis type character.


I was extremely impressed by Ray Liotta as well. He really nailed that Southern drawl. I am curious now to look up Blake Raynes background.


He's an Elvis impersonator and it was him on American Idol in the long shots when Celine Dionne sang the duet "If I can Dream" with the real Elvis through trick photography. So he told us at one of his concerts. I have seen two of his concerts.
He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.


Amry0217, that moment was one of the best ever on American Idol! Thank you for passing along the information.
