Things I Learned From This Movie

1. If some half-crazed guy is trying to kill you and your daughter, don't bother tying him up or taking away his gun once you've gotten the drop on him.

2. The Mayans apparently explored as far north as the Pacific Northwest.

3. The end of the world will begin in a very small rural town in the middle of nowhere.


4. When the dog runs off at the beginning of the movie it will return at the end of the movie.


3. The end of the world will begin in a very small rural town in the middle of nowhere.

Because, of course, the end of the world should begin somewhere more glamorous and cosmopolitan, like New York City or Rome or Hong Kong.

... the hardest thing in this world is to live in it...


.5 The smokin' hot co-star will have all her clothes stripped off while saving the world, but the censors at Syfy will make sure things stay G rated (which is a little odd considering the scenes of people being speared by giant shards of ice).


6. everyone can read ancient mayan pictograms.


7. Although the Mayans were clever enough to calculate dates 600 years into the future, the only way they had of conveying information was in cartoons - which they wrote in books with writing on both sides of the pages, bound at the edge and with the pages going left-to-right (European fashion, instead of right-to-left Hebrew fashion or to-p-to-bottom Asian fashion).

8. Somehow Mayan enchantments take into consideration North American concepts of town boundary lines.

9. The Mayan will take credit for an 18th century progressive English song of the Twelve Days of Christmas - although the Mayans seem not to have ever encountered French hens or swans aswimming. And somehow the Mayans will predict a date with exactness, notwithstanding that the Gregorian calendar would not appear until after they were extinct.

10. Somehow it seems appropriate that "the Chosen One", who, by inheritance, is gifted with the power to save mankind, is named JC.


11. A person can survive a heavy metal object being dropped them and can walk off ten minutes later.


12. Ancient Maya prophecies will be fulfilled by a bunch of people with Biblical names like JC (Jesus Christ), Joseph (dad), Mary (mom), Peter (brother), Kane (bad guy), and Jude (turncoat, think Judas).

13. Doc Cottle is not near as crotchety as he used to be.

14. Doc Cottle finally kicked the cigarette habit.

15. All new SyFy original movies must include at least one Battlestar Galactica/Caprica cast member.

16. The ancient Mayans managed to bury one of the rings deep underground in a location that will one day be a mine?

17. People writing instructions on how to prevent the end of the world don't seem to be very good at it.

18. Only SyFy could turn a song like The Twelve Days of Christmas into a disaster movie.


19. Christmas Lights can make someone explode.

20. Gysers can turn someone into Ash in a matter of seconds.

21. Tornadoes take a while to pull up Santa and his reindeer.


22. Freshh Green moss only grows on Ancient Mayan Stones.

23. No one will really be too upset if they know the world is ending.

24. Getting shot in the shoulder doesnt prevent you from doing anything after 5 minutes.


25. The ancient Mayans had paper ... and ink.

26. Artifacts buried by the ancient Mayans are only a few inches below the surface - while entire civilizations that followed the ancient Mayans are buried several feet below the surface.

27. Guys building the mega-mart at the edge of town are always evil. And guys running local mom-'n-pop stores in town are always good.

28. Despite leaving no archaeological evidence that they ever ventured north of Mexico, the ancient Mayans buried their save-the-world devices in the Pacific Northwest.

29. First aid kits contain asthma inhalers.

30. Grandma will always manage to get the save-the-world ring to her granddaughter before being killed by a giant ice shard from the sky; or felled by a heart attack, random bus accident, or mauled by wild dogs - so no need to plan ahead, put it in a package, or write anything down.

31. When you have an ancillary character unnecessary to the plot and you need to create drama around him, give him an asthma attack and no inhaler. After all, people subject to random and deadly asthma attacks never carry a relief inhaler with them.

32. Giant ice shards falling from the sky never hit buildings ... or characters that will be necessary later in the story.

33. [Building on something someone else pointed out] The major players at the end of the world will have Biblical references in their names that indicate their roles: Jacey (JC = Jesus Christ), Joseph, Mary, Peter, Kane (Cain), Aaron, Miriam, and Jude (Judas).

34. When two helicopters sent by the governor in response to an emergency fail to return or call in, no follow up will be done and no additional assistance will be forthcoming.


Seriously, why did the grandmother wait so long to mention this? They knew the date well in advance.


35) Although most people believe that the Europeans discovered the Americas in 1492, it was actually 1,000 years ago.
36) A 1,000 year old breeding program will produce blonde Mayans.

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37. When your legs (only up to your knees) freeze & shatter, you die instantly.

38. Good mothers take their young children to roadside accident sites, & ask him to help instead of making him stay in the car.


39. We can still rely on film production companies to produce drivel like this.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain .... Time to die
