MovieChat Forums > Dragons: Riders of Berk (2012) Discussion > Thornado - not continuous even with them...

Thornado - not continuous even with themselves

Where was Thornado during the latest episode?
Stoick said 5 dragons wouldn't be enough to defend against the Outkasts & Smoke dragons especially since the village didn't have weapons.
1. Toothless - Hiccup
2. Stormfly - Astrid
3. Meatlug - Fishlegs
4. Hookfang- Snoutlout
5. Barf/Belch - Ruffnut/Tuffnut

Stoick is forgetting his own dragon.
Also what about Gustov & his dragon, Fanghook. Those two aren't much of a team, but you'd need to use every resource to protect the village.


At the end of How To Train Your Dragon, there were TONS of dragons all over the place, same as GotNF. This just goes to show that the TV show is decimating the story just to appeal to its target audience, pre-teen kids.


The show runners aren't intentionally "decimating" anything. And they can't, either--if by series' end, the TV show was an overall disappointment for you, simply ignore it and only count the three films (and any of the shorts you liked).

Just fanwank it away in your head while watching--maybe Thornado comes and goes as he pleases, maybe stays in a cave with his purple mate (as seen in the Season 1 episode where Thunderdrums were introduced--by the way, I love how there's a whole flock of them in the waters around Berk in the trailer for the second film, moving like a pod of whales). We don't know for a fact that any of the other formerly-wild dragons are fully trained, nor that they all crave human companionship on a daily basis. Maybe Stoick has to go for a hike around the island to find Thornado when he wants to ride him, or maybe Thornado is simply unavailable a lot of the time due to residing off-island.

It sucks to not have the background dragons (the dragon "extras", they could be called) on a regular basis, but maybe they all kinda dispersed after a few weeks of checking out the humans. Maybe their curiosity about us peaked. We see that some have taken up permanent residence on Berk (many appearances of Terrible Terrors). What sorta makes up for the lack of Berk dragons is just how many wild dragons we get to see in the series, especially in groups on Dragon Island, Outcast Island, and on specific species' own islands (like that of the Changewings).

There're gonna be inconsistencies between this and the films no matter what, but I like to pretend that the adventures the teens go on and the character development that's taken place still count, even if the dragon-free scenery doesn't match up. Long as the films don't completely contradict the show.


One thing I wish the show explained is Gobber's Boneknapper Dragon, he gets it in one of the shorts yet it is strangely absent through the entire series.


Need to watch the Boneknapper short again--I thought Gobber had made peace with the animal, but not that he'd necessarily "trained" or tamed it. They should show it in the series to remind us that it's an ally, as I bet it'll make an appearance in the second film (or maybe in the final fight against Dagur and the Outcasts?).


I doubt we'd be seeing any reference to shorts in the 2nd film, there's no way the producers of the different stories care that much about continuity. On a related note regarding Thornado in the most recent episode:

I liked the story where Stoick had to give up his dragon, it was very touching but when you think about it in the bigger picture, it seems that the TV people created Thornado just for fun in the first season and then had to come up with any sort of excuse they could to get rid of him in the second season because Stoick doesn't have a dragon in the 2nd movie.

I would have been much happier if Stoick was shown riding a Thunderdrum in the 2nd movie, it would have been a great reference to the TV show and many movie-only watchers would have just assumed Stoick got an exotic breed of dragon, however Thornado's absence will only further prove that no one at DreamWorks cares for continuity between the different medias and therefore takes the easiest way out to maintain consistency.

This is exactly how I felt about Ruffnut's short hair erasure, it was supposed to be a BIG character development part for her but it got erased because the 2nd movie doesn't incorporate those changes (the official reason is supposedly that it was too expensive to maintain but I don't really buy that).


I wonder if the order of the last two episodes got flipped. It would make sense that Stoick didn't include Thornado in his count if he had released it earlier. Maybe there was an issue with production or something.
I just remembered, Thornado had a friend that was sick when the introduced him.
Gobber was taking care of him until he was recovered. Wonder if that dragon's living in the cave by himself now. That dragon could become Stoick's new ride and they could alternate. One flies with Stoick, the other takes care of the baby thunder dragons and they can switch every so often.


I went ahead and read the spoilers in your post and in the other guy's below, even though we're an episode behind in Canada (but thanks for putting up spoiler bars, as I'll be avoiding 'em for the season [series?] finale). Sounds like a good ep. Hopefully not as childish as many of Season 2's eps have been (how could it turn out like this, after such a great start with Dagur on Dragon Island and the 2-parter with Dagur, Alan, and the Skrill ? I thought it'd be much bigger and better than Season 1, but maybe I was fooled by the show's title change and just general expectations of action-adventure cartoons getting more grown up with successive season).

The hair thing still would've worked for the movie makers' plans because the film will take place approximately four years after her cutting her hair, so she could've grown it all back (and likely would've never cut it again, as short boy-hair doesn't seem to be a custom for women in Berk). I doubt there's much discussion between Dean DuBlois and the people behind the show, unfortunately. Just stuff they can't touch, plot-wise, that're being saved for the films. I believe the CG rendering excuse...although they shouldn't have bothered having her cut it in the first place, if they foresaw the expense of keeping it for the remainder of the season.

To make it make sense in my head, I'm still going with "she's wearing a wig". Lame, but whatever works.
