MovieChat Forums > Hungry for Change (2012) Discussion > Had to stop watching it after a few minu...

Had to stop watching it after a few minutes

What I saw of this film, and I could not watch it all, was not watchable. I felt like I was on a receiving end of high-pressure sales tactic. The way they talk about diets and food with so much passion like they have discovered something huuuuge, while at the same time missing some of the most important points and making outright wrong claims was too much for me.

Since I only watched a few scenes, here is where I had a problem with it:

- Comparing food to illegal drugs. No, they are not the same, not even close. Anything will become toxic when taken in large enough amounts, even pure water.

- Claims such as "we are naturally geared towards storing fat" - only partially true, and partial truths of this kind are worse then outright lies. The truth is that we are naturally geared toward storing fat UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, but not always. The way it works is very simple actually: when you starve, your levels of insulin go up quicker and higher than if you did not starve. Insulin does not only help process sugar but it is also a hormone of fat storage. Average person eats irregularly, and eats foods which are high in carbohydrates, which body "reads" as starvation and reacts appropriately causing storage of fat. Add to that lack of physical activity (due to too much work) and you have obesity. So, no, we are not geared towards storing fat, we only do it when we are under certain stress conditions.

- Many other claims, all wrong and geared towards food. One look at an average French person who is eating much worse food than an American, yet they live about 10 years longer and are much less obese than Americans is enough to disprove those claims. How we look does not depend only on food. The single most important factor is - quality of life. When was the last time a fat person laughed so hard they had tears in their eyes? When was the last time kids were told not to come to school because it is healthier for them to play outside? When was the last time someone said "I am so happy I don't feel hungry any more"? An average American spends around 50 hrs in an office with no access to fresh air of even natural light. An average French person has 35 hr work week and EIGHT weeks of vacation every years. Last time I had two weeks of vacation was so long ago I don't even remember it.

And so on. All in all, the film felt like a long infomercial and I could not force myself to watch it. Junk.
