Mia's mom

Is a bitch.


Good thing she has her Aunt!


I remember the first time I saw her mother in an episode and could not believe how she treated Mia. If my daughter were disabled I would move near her and do everything I could to help her, not act so hateful and mean.


I'm new to the series and haven't seen all the current episodes. Does her mom have a problem with alcohol? That might explain some of her behavior.

I'm familiar with unsupportive family, and it stinks!


Ugh I just saw Monday's episode and damn! The end! At first I could understand her moping some because Mia didn't invite her (although I totally get why Mia wouldn't).

But then at the end -- aw hell naw. What a royal....you know the word. Typical not wanting to take responsibility for anything and just lashing out instead. I don't even know why Mia would try at all. Sorry but that's just how I feel.
