The host is a jerk

After JoJo and the other dancer finished their nightmare routine and she went after him with her fangs and he said settle down that might scare him but it does not scare me. I thought what a prick, shes a 9 year old kid having fun and was probably proud of herself eventhough she did not do that good. Lighten up dude.


It's true Jojo was being a bit bratty, but he could have handled it much better than he did. I thought he came across as a hardass and I wondered what the hell his problem was.


I am sorry, but with kids like Jojo you need to be blunt and strict. She obviously has not been given any boundaries in life and needs to learn that behavior is not ok. And you can’t just mush around it. Her mom may think its adorable and just “Jojo being Jojo” but that behavior is appropriate as toddler, by the time a kid hits school age, it is just not acceptable.

I didn’t see the incident, I’ll watch it tonight, but I can imagine how it went down. I’ve dealt with kids like Jojo while teaching dance class. They are annoying, trying and encouragable. You have to be straight forward with them and establish strict boundaries. Being gentle doesn’t cut it because they’ll just smile and nod and keep doing what ever it is they are doing wrong.

Jojo has learned that acting the way she does gets her positive attention. Her mom obviously treats such behavior with a laugh and an eye roll. But it is not Jojo’s world, as much as her and her mom thinks it is. And if Mom isn’t going to set boundaries then the other adults have to.

Plus we don’t really know how annoying Jojo is. Maybe she antagonizes the host after every dance and we just don't see it. Maybe he’s been gentle in the past and had finally had enough.

A nine, you're quite old enough to understand there is a time and place for having fun.


You're a dance teacher? Don't take this the wrong way, but when I was a teacher I promised myself that when I started to get this attitude toward children, that I would move on to something else. You haven't even seen the clip, but you have paragraphs about exhausting and (I'm guessing you meant) incorrigible Jojo must be in a class. That is classic transference. Deep breath. You never actually have to deal with her.

I'm sorry I let you get attacked by a werewolf and then ended the world.


I'm a teacher too and I agree with you 100%, erinictob.

I saw the incident. In the dance, Jojo played the "evil" character and had growled during the dance as part of it. When it was over she started growling and pawing at the host. It wan't that big of a deal, but it WAS Jojo trying to be cute or funny and it wasn't. It was obnoxious.

She was the one that looked stupid, I thought. The host kind of gently stopped her. I sympathized with him, I was rolling my eyes, too.


I really don't see how someone can comment on a scene they haven't watched yet. I can't really take your opinion seriously.

The host was right to correct Jojo, but came across as gruff and annoyed (and I don't believe this exchange was scripted at all). He could have corrected her firmly but nicely, especially since they were being filmed.


I agree with everything you said, erinictob! (Just FYI, I think the word you want is incorrigible, not encouragable. Please don't be offended!) ;~)


I never even notice that guy. I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a lineup. Then again, I was too busy watching Kalani to notice what Jojo was doing. I take Kalani seriously as a dancer, I guess.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Seriously? lol he was just muckin around, just as she was. I think it's you who needs to lighten up! :P


It's TV ppl. $10 says the producer told her to do that, and another $10 that says the host already knew it was coming. Only problem is the producer forgot why the host is hosting instead of acting on a real tv show, he can't act, he sucks.

The whole thing looked awkward, not because JoJo is a brat (although she is) but it failed simply because the host is so bad at acting he couldn't get his lines out in a convincing way. That's why he's hosting a second rate dance "competition" and not sitting over on the set of Glee with the real actors.


I like the host. He seems like a sweet guy and I don't remember any meanness in his voice when he said it.

Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son...


Jojo is 9 years old. There is no excuse for acting the way she does. Her slurred speech, selfishness, and spoiled attitude is going to be a BIG problem if something is not done to stop it. Kalani didn't act like an "attention whore" and she was in the same dance. She could have easily joined Jojo, but knew that there are repercussions for her actions.

