DVD release?

Any word on when this is coming to DVD?


"ƒuck 'em. ƒuck 'em all." -- Robert Evans


that is a good question I see some on Amazon but only used that leads me to believe they are pirate copies ... so the short answer is I have no clue and would like to know myself.


I assume Blockbuster has some because I bought a used copy at my local Movie Stop in a BB case. $4 which isn't a bad price.


The DVD release is legit, by a company called xlratormedia. Widescreen TV compatible, the only extra's the trailer (as well as trailers for a few other flicks which open the disc). The only explanation I can conceive for the complete and total lack of new copies available anywhere is that it got a ridiculously minuscule pressing. In other words, if you want it, get it before the price of the used discs shoots up to $100 on amazon (which tends to happen consistently when DVDs go out of print). Here's the site for the place that released it:

