MovieChat Forums > The Letter Writer Discussion > Another outstanding Christian movie!

Another outstanding Christian movie!

Just happened to select this on Netflix. What an absolutely joyous movie, although be prepared to shed a lot of tears. A life well lived, a life about to be well lived! Generational issues transcended . .but more importantly the saving nature of Christ. Yes, this is a Christian movie, however, subtly portrayed. For believers, the movie reflects our day to day lives. For non-believers, a glimpse into the power of the Holy Spirit.

178 ratings as of this movie. This is the second topic listed. Only three total posts! How very sad for our society! Movies, like this, that should get wide viewership don't, and those that don't do . .

Absolute truth is an objective reality that exists independent of what anyone thinks


This came up on my Netflix too, and I decided to give it a try, because of the Lolita-esque cover art. It soon became apparent that no inter-generational banging was on offer, instead a cliché-filled cream-pie, not the good kind, was hurled through the screen with such intensity that even rubbing one out had lost all appeal for the moment.


When you have a taste for something as dark as LOLITA is you are bound to be let down by something as up-iifting as THE LETTER WRITER. You are the loser.


You are the loser.

Ouch. Burn. It's good you're watching uplifting stuff, otherwise who knows how harsh you'd become!
