Ready Mix?

It's going to be painfully apparent that I'm an American when I ask this, but what is Ready Mix? I know it's supposed to be a breakfast food kind of thing. But is it based on an actual product in Ireland? I feel like I'm missing a bigger joke by not understanding it. Thanks.


Haha Readymix is a cement!


It was Ready Bix, a fictional cereal combining Weetabix (wheat things, don't know how you'd describe them) and Ready Brek (like a very smooth porridge mix), both fairly bland sensible breakfast options, something you wouldn't want to have to get through 50 boxes of.


Don't feel bad. You won't know if you don't ask. It's based on Wheatbix, which are like nasty shredded wheat blocks. Not like the modern cereal with sugar...the big giant shredded wheat bars that people used to eat as cereal in olden times.


I'm American and very happy to say that Wheetabix is sold in many stores in the States (ours comes from Canada). I love it. It's delicious with milk and honey. Served either hot or cold. I've always love mushy cereal anyway.
