Great Film

This was a wonderful documentary and as others have said on this board, it really turned out for the best. Not only was Tom's desire to and motivations for removing his penis while he is alive completely unhealthy, he made what would have otherwise been a very nice specimen into something completely tacky. The tattoo was an awful idea.

If the end goal was to have your penis in a phallus museum, why amend it to look so completely unnatural? The resin cast of it looked fabulous, and you see it a few time in it's flaccid state, and there it was a good example of a human penis, but if I were Siggi I would have told him the moment he tattooed it that I was no longer interested in displaying it.

I am an American, I have pride in my nationality, but some (a lot) of Americans have completely foolish ways of expressing their national pride. Tom is completely psychologically and sexually confused, and though he keeps justifying his desire to remove his penis with various seemingly "practical" reasons, it would have been a shame to have his as the example of a homo sapiens penis. It's about humanity, not nationality.

Anyway, I really liked this film and I am glad it turned out as it did, I kind of just wish the only American in it wasn't such a moron.

I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine


Agree with you completely!! The guy clearly has mental issues and you can see he's faking it all when he explains how his penis was "fractured" to the doctor!And I had the same thought about him tatooing it too...would have just told him to bug off if I were Siggi. Siggi was an honest man passionate for his work, and her was this moron, "if i don't get the response",i am not interested.....get a life man!!
He later tries to justify why he wants to donate his penis...and none of his words made sense!So glad it didn't turn out the way he wanted for him!

"Personally speaking I can't wait to watch life tear you apart."[Evelyn(Nicole Kidman)-Stoker]


Interesting.Dead twin, dead twin, dead twin.Those who bring tarot into the lives of sisters cannot keep the booze to themselves.
