Bladerunner 0.1

I really do believe that the producers have essentially come at this film from the perspective of the beginnings of Bladerunner.

There are so many tropes that the two share and added to that, the music... Almost Vangelis reborn.


I was kind of thinking of Replicants whilst watching it. Especially during the stronger moments of the film that involve human and machine interaction with physical and mental aptitude tests.

Skull & Shark:


There were certainly many similarities, but this 'replicant' was even more beautiful. The future looks bright ;)


Is it as bad as Blade Runner was?


Bladerunner was bad was it?


If you are one of the minority that dislikes Blade Runner, then no, you will not like this either.


Dear TerrorDementia,

As bad as Blade Runner!!!

I think that you've got dementia!

''All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain .... Time to die''.


This movie is a TOTAL Blade Runner "ode"

- Music tones and sounds are identical: Yamaha CS-80 sounds
- reflective eyes just like blade runner
- they use the phrase "Skin Job" surely as a nod to BR

probably many more references, I'm only 1/3 thru it


The creation scene put me in mind of the opening titles of Ghost In the Shell, the whole movie seemed to be a perfect blend of all the best bits of all the best robot/human movies from the past.


There was a steal from 2001: Space Odyssey too.

When he is operating on her.


In the beginning scenes of the film, I too thought of Bladerunner (ESPECIALLY some of the music score and the Turing Test scenes). I was pleased to find that the plot did indeed turn into its own (different) story (no Bladerunner redux here).

I found that I REALLY liked the movie overall.



Funny thing in the book they were clones not machines, the idea of making them some kinds of androids belong Scott.

Still i have no idea why would you mention Blade runner just for that reason, i know you probably didnt see many movies, but the idea of humanoid robots is at lest 100 years old, it didnt start with nether Dicks book or Scotts movie.


First off.

You're wrong. I have no idea why you would say that Replicants were Clones unless you hadn't read the book and are just trying to be pretentious. I know you probably haven't read many books, but have you even seen this film or are you just on here to rant?

If you had seen both films (and you knew anything about films/film theory), you would see that this film has some distinctive commonalities with Bladerunner.


I say that since Dick was a junkie and couldnt fallow his own plot being most of the time high as hell.
What deckard chaises is never described to be a machine and is even said to be made from humans, so i assumed they must use human genetic material, basically clones. They bleed, they are literally said to be identical to humans up to genetic level and can only be found by those abstract made up on the spot tests that dont even work.

Dick called them androids, but he used the word in wrong context, it might be true that previous versions of those beings were just that, but when and "android" is literally indistinguishable from a human up to the atomic level, he becomes it, a human.

I know the idea was behind that artificial creatures dont have empathy/soul or what ever, just random meaningless words to justify the genocide and slave labor that government is committing.

Anyway nevermind.
My rant was about people like you saying every s-f movie rips off ether starwars/startrek or blade runner.

you would see that this film has some distinctive commonalities with Bladerunner.

Yeah, some. Just like you will find something similar between any 2 films ever made. I dont see any more similarities between this and blade runner than dealing with advanced tech and having that 80ties style of music.
Definitively not being "the beginnings of Bladerunner", if something i could imagine it taking place in terminator world, with more of them vs us story.






it is the love child of Bladerunner and i saw a bit of Dune in there mainly the voices between the implanted

I enjoyed the film
