MovieChat Forums > The Machine (2014) Discussion > Why do they call it ''Artificial'' intel...

Why do they call it ''Artificial'' intellligence? Secondary'' is better.

Sentience is sentience no matter what its source history is. Why not call it ''Secondary intelligence''??


Because it is made by humans and doesn't occur naturally...


Well, you could say everything humans make is natural - toxic waste, radioactivity, machines, computers, and robots. It occurs in nature. We are a subset of nature, not outside of it. George Carlin and others have argued everything is natural. Chemicals junk food, styrofoam, plastic, oil, etc. it all comes from nature and exists as a part of nature. Humans concentrate and rearrange it or refine and purify it, but how is that not natural?


You are right that according to theory of evolution, humans are part of nature.

But fact is, we aren't. And in weird way the scientists themselves admit to this fact. They also admit that God exists, they just call it 'Mother Nature'.


This is the most ridiculous load of crap ever.

There isn't a single Scientist who says we're not part of nature. Very few scientists say God exists and NONE present it as a fact. Nor do any scientists I know use "mother nature" as if it was a deity.

I'd be happy to read whatever proof or evidence you have to back up this idiocy.

By the by, religion, specifically Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism all directly or indirectly state humans are part of nature so the "God" angle is a useless one to make, too.

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Why not just say "machine intelligence" or "computer intelligence"? Or define it based on the technology it uses? I don't get the "natural" distinction. Humans are part of nature and a subset of nature, not a separate thing. All things in reality are natural, I would say. AI is just a cutesy word people use to sound smart. And the idea that self-awareness means something or has any special benefit is questionable. Plenty of "enlightened" people seem to have lost their ego or self, like Ramana Maharshi or UG Krishnamurti. UG attacked the idea of self as just a delusion and construct the mind uses to create a false continuity and separation / duality, when the reality is non-duality and unity of all things.


The very definition of "Artificial" includes "made by humans".

I'm curious though, if we were to engineer say a dog to have higher brain functions similar to that of a human, would we call that artificial biolical intelligence?

One day.


Assuming the definition you provided, what happens when an A.I. surpasses human engineering and begins to engineer it's own intelligence, as is the direction this film is taking? It could then, technically, be called 'computer intelligence', couldn't it? Or perhaps once a species reaches a state of self-awareness it is simply regarded as intelligence...?

I think in the case of the dog it would still be artificial intelligence. The definition doesn't specify how the thing is made, only that it is made by humans. Be it biologically or mechanically, it would still be artificial.
