

We're two movies into the prequels and so far I find the whole thing very uninteresting and am actually way more interested in the engineers and the their giving life to humans, something this movie just completely white washes over. If we ever do get to a movie where it actually deals with aliens being bred and created, that might be interested, but for now it's just a lot of long set-up with very little payoff.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here- https://youtu.be/fyYgj2Fpur0


I think the name Alien was synonymous with the mystery of it all.

To explain any of it was going to diminish upon the title itself.

I think Aliens was a good way of making money and putting more of an action based angle on it.

After that it went into fan-fiction more and more each time culminating in removing all of the mystery from the original and making its title meaningless.



No. Because many people like me think Aliens is the best & Alien 3 is fucking amazing!

Watching a shitty bootleg copy of covenant as I type this :D


I believe there was a story to tell that could have lived up to the imagtion of fans over the years, it's just unfortunate that Ridley Scott choose to go this way for lots of stupid reasons. He didn't want to deal with giant elephant type aliens, so he ditched the space jockey for proto humans.

I saw someone had the idea that the space jockey was an android, which made sense seeing as he had no legs and was "growing out of the chair". That explanation alone would have been good enough and allowed for the story to go it's own way without shoe horning in stupid shit to fit what we see in the opening act of alien. I suppose Ridley just thought we were all just too stupid to notice the rest of the navigation room was wildly different? Just like we are all too stupid to notice the gestation period of the alien is different depending on what movie you watch.

The fact that fans need to guess what's going on two movies in is fucking retarded. A good story takes its audience on a journey of discovery, not endless questions with no answers. Honestly Ridley and his writers have fucked the whole franchise. The sequels were bad enough after aliens(maybe a pass for the assembly cut), but now it's giving us "a mad scientist did it" bullshit plot. Fucking spare me, Didley. From further information on the net it seems a theory I mused over on another thread is actually what was written. In that David didn't create the aliens, he just followed instructions of the engineers experiments, but of course didley thought that "the mad scientist" was a better idea than the engineers made the aliens so he cut it.

I argued that Ridley wasn't that bad, and that it was the writers that sucked. To the person I was discussing that with, I concede. I was wrong. Get didley the fuck away from alien. Hes ruining it with this piss poor ideas. This is the guy that wanted to kill ripley and have the alien fucking talk at the end of the first movie. So yeah, fuck didley, get him out.
