the very beginning

I really want to see this, and recorded it when it was on a few months back but my recording misses the very beginning, so I'm after some guidance about how much I missed. My recording starts with the mum(I presume) helping with him put his tie on, then both of them walking out to get to the church for a service. I've not watched beyond that.

The question iis then, have I missed literally seconds of the film, or am I down a fair chunk - ie can I / should I go ahead and watch it, or would I be better off reluctantly deleting it and looking for it elsewhere? My instinct is to get hold of the full thing, but my desire to watch it is really fighting back against that approach.

Advice please! Ta.


I'm watching it now and you literaly missed only three minutes! But those first three minutes do kind of set the whole mood and atmosphere for the whole movie. I would advise you to look for the movie elsewhere if you want the best experience :) Then again you might already have watched it haha.


That's very helpful, but a bit disappointing. I've not watched it, and will delete it to avoid the temptation. 3 seconds I'd have coped with. 3 crucial scene setting minutes.. That's too much. Ah well, I'll find it somehow.

Thanks for the reply.
