Very funny movie

I just watched this with a few friends and we all liked it. Very funny, with lots of laughs throughout.


You've been a member since 2003. This is your first post?


So what ? Im on IMDB since early days and i was not even registrated until this year :)


I don't think that was the point, check the Ops stats, they have just said this movie was good, and its the first post ever made since 2003?
1. This movie, although everyone is entitled to their opinion, has a 0% on rotten tomatoes.
2. Having been a member for all that time, the op decides that "this" movie is worth a post?

My brain hurts from having to explain this...


It's strange yes. Could always be that their posting history was wiped or something.


Not very funny. Great cast of great actors, poorly written script, poorly excecuted film.



It's way, way better than I thought it was going to be. Something to be said for lowered expectations.


It was stupid but it had a lot of funny parts. I liked it more than I thought I would. Love when that happens.


Was it like the curate's egg? Excellent in parts?


I agree, it was a pretty stupid movie, but I found it really funny though. A lot of little subtle things made me laugh, and the lead guy was pretty good. I gave it a 6.
