Scarecrow fear toxin?

Did Batman use Scarecrow's fear toxin on that guard on the building? i was not too sure.

My Voting history is secret;)


He didn't mention it being the Scarecrow's toxin, but I assume so. Scene reminded me a lot of the scene from BATMAN BEGINS.


It's not very clear, but it seems so, yes.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." - Thorin Oakenshield


I thought it was just showing the kind of effect Batman has on people, kind of like how all the civillians who reported seeing him were claiming he was 10 feet tall, and looked like a giant vampire and all that.

Now you don't talk so loud. Now you don't seem so proud.


Its explained more in the novel but yeah, its linked to the fear toxin

I got your restraining order right here, RESTRAIN THIS!


Or more precisely, it's explained more in the novel but no ;)

From the novel:
"This stuff has a name that's as long as your arm. It was developed by the military during one of our more contemptible wars. It concentrates a powerful stimulant to a section of the right hemisphere of your brain. A strong dose and you die of fright in fifteen seconds. A light dose, like this, and you spend twenty or thirty minutes reliving your least favorite nightmare"

AFAIR Scarecrows gas is of his own design and doesn't directly kill


Yep, and by the way, it would be like eating a quarter sheet of LSD all at once. You would see CRAZY things, and your mind would most likely be mush afterword.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


sir pls stop pomoting on drug such like ur chinawhites?????


its not linked to the fear toxin

similiar gas

in the book he says it was an experimental military weapon designed to last an hour


well ok but y that guy pomotoing chinawhite drug cos that is bad bad bad.......


Dude. Learn to spell. Jesus Christ.


wut??? wut does THAT have 2 do with such disucson???? pls settle ur mind!


Then I don't see why he doesn't use this all of the time.


wut???? wut r u tlking about??? use wut?????? r u joking 2 me????


Dude, learn to type, and learn to follow a conversation, or get off the board.


well exact typing DONT MATTER ON SUCH INTERNETS DONT U KNOW THAT!!!!!! cos this is free zone 2 live our lifes and share our thouhts in good vibes 2....

well y do u feel such? y woud u atack on me out of blue???

maybe ur such type of peep who woud start nuc wars and kill all peeps.... cos just full of h8 h8 h8 and u wnt 2 hurt peeps like me and any1 not as """GOOD""" as u?????


I don't have hate in my heart. Not at all actually. And for you to assume that I would start a nucular war and kill any amount of people because I advised you to spell correctly and to pay attention is ridiculous. I don't hold any one to the standard to be as "good" as me. I am human, I am flawed. But I attempt to be the best version of me that I can be.

You are taking things way out of context, making assumptions, and lashing out at people.

It is a free country, and the internet is an extension of that freedom. And you are completely entitled to speak what you want, how ever you want. Just know that when you ooze ignorance, people will respond. This is a message board. It's main purpose is to communicate. Of which, you are doing a poor job at so far. Format your words correctly, I would gladly read anything you would like to contribute to the boards. But if you continue to talk like that, no one will ever take you seriously.


well... that is 2 much 4 me 2 undrestand!!! u have 2 pls write ur thouhts more breif cos then peeps can learn them ok...

well have u evr tried 2 huff huff on paints and glues? cos from myself i can tell u it will make ur mind so free and if every1 even baby coud do it well then we coud cumunic8 so much btr so w'ed be on such same wavelenth!!!!


Praise the Lord for the ignore user button, that guy is hard work!

Love of life is born of the awareness of death, of the dread of it.
Ian Fleming
