Ceci Camayo!!!

I instantly became a fan of hers in season 1. DV portrays the role convincingly with so much passion and emotion. Ceci can be comedic gold and the drama with her and Pedro is hands down the best written storyline of season 2.


I agree she stole the show in season 1. Its not surprising they brought her back for season 2. She is the most interesting character on the show by a wide margin.

I also have to give props to Vanessa. She is a great villain on the show. Her and Ceci are magic together.


I liked her S1 but came to love her in S2. And i was hoping she and Jacob would hook up S2 but thankfully it finally happened in S3 altho not till the end :(. Also, the little girl they got to play her daughter is perfection. Vanessa is great, she's beautiful, can sing, and can really dance, I didn't realize that before S3.


Jacob & Ceci was pure magic to watch this season. Bummer that Maya returned towards the end

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be
