MovieChat Forums > Mr Selfridge (2013) Discussion > Mr Grove's medical news

Mr Grove's medical news

Wow! Have to say I was shocked to hear of Mr Grove 's medical condition. Seems in these period pieces, there's always one person who gets the short stick. I mean, here's a man who lost 2 wives, both tragically, and is doing his best to raise all those kids, including little Ernest who is not his. True, true, he did cheat on his first wife with Miss Mardel, I fault him in that , although at the time he did seem true to Miss Mardel. I wonder how they are going to play out his storyline with the little time remaining.

While I'm mentioning Miss Mardel, I was surprised to hear she is in NY now - when did that happen? Did I miss something in the final episode of the third season???

"Sympathy doesn't butter the parsnips." - Mrs. Patmore


While I'm mentioning Miss Mardel, I was surprised to hear she is in NY now - when did that happen? Did I miss something in the final episode of the third season???

No, you didn't miss anything. She was written out of the story during the "passage of time" between S3 & S4. There's a scene where Grove & Mr Crabbe are fly fishing (first or second episode of S4), and Grove explains that he & Miss Mardle mutually agreed to part ("make a clean break" are Grove's words) because it would've been far too much of a burden on her to be stepmother to 5 children.

By the reaction on Crabbe's face, he clearly doesn't believe for a moment that Grove is really "over" her. Folks in the UK already know the answer (since the series has already ended), but I would speculate she could possibly return during S4? --- due to Grove's critical medical condition.


Thank you - I thought I had missed something like she got married or had a job offer or something along those lines. I do remember the fly fishing scene but Mr Grove did t really say why she left England. Yes, passage of time - that's a good explanation of it.

"Sympathy doesn't butter the parsnips." - Mrs. Patmore



according to IMDB, she comes back next week.



I was sad to hear about Mr. Grove.


Isn't he Ernest's father?


No, he's not. Did you miss the episode when Doris explained to Josie? Don't you remember how Doris died, and why Grove got so mad at Josie and blamed her for Doris's death, and Josie had to care for Ernest at her house, for a while?


I was confused for a moment.


I am watching now but I missed Episodes 1 & 2 so I'm trying to catch up starting with episode 3. What is wrong with Mr. Grove? I saw him talking to Mr. Crabb but wasn't able to figure out what the exact illness is that he has.



Mr Grove has a brain tumor that has spread to his lungs and liver. The tumor is pressing on his spine, causing the leg weakness that he now uses a cane for. He initially tripped on some steps at home and just thought he had a minor fall with leg pain but the pain lingered and he saw a doctor, hence the newly found illness. Sad, indeed.

"Sympathy doesn't butter the parsnips." - Mrs. Patmore


Thank you, Shalerbabe. I have since been able to watch the episode where he tells his daughter that he is ill - but I hadn't seen the incidents you mentioned, with tripping, and then getting diagnosed by his doctor.

That sucks! I liked his character. Ideally he & Josie should have been able to have a more traditional "happy ending." Seems it is to be short-lived. 😢


Anyone else have the thought that Mr. Grove is being selfish once again, in marrying Miss Martle as he is dying? She'll have to care for him as he slowly, painfully dies, and then be left to care for all his kids. The last we'd seen of her before she left, she'd forgiven him for shunning her so terribly and they appeared to be getting together. People on this board complained that she was being a dope to take him back. I have mixed feelings, but you gotta admit that - except for his medical condition, of course - the guy's done pretty much what he wanted when he wanted, regardless of others' feelings.


While I understand your perspective that he is being selfish, also keep in mind that Grove had no intention of contacting Josie in the States--it was Mr Crabbe who encouraged her to return. In addition, when she did arrive, Grove initially rejected the idea of her coming back into his life--presumably because it would be too painful of a journey for her.

Even just prior to their marriage (after he snaps at the kids), he discourages Josie from going through with the union because of the burden. Of course, he even utters the cliched line: "I don't deserve you".

It's abundantly clear in the script (to the point of exaggeration IMO), that he is "reformed", and it takes this threat to his mortality before he finally repents of his transgressions and realises what a treasure he has in Miss Mardle . . . somewhat contrived & maudlin, but such is the nature of a drama.


Agreed, glenn.
