MovieChat Forums > The Gallows (2015) Discussion > Plot Hole That Takes Down The Movie In O...

Plot Hole That Takes Down The Movie In Opening 30 Seconds

Ok, so it's "just a movie", I get that but let's just for a second assume there is an OUNCE of realism attached to it - what school (either in the 1970s or modern day) uses a REAL drop-door gallows and noose?!

The entire set looked garbage: all painted backdrops and paper mache and bits of wood nailed together like your typical high school production with a prop budget of $3.40 - except of course for the gallows.

No one in their right mind in lawsuit America would use a real noose and real doortrap gallows for some crappy amateur school play. (I know, that might be taking things a bit too realistically, but come on; all it takes is some teacher to say "we'll use pretend gallows in case someone gets hurt and the school gets sued for $40m" and the entire movie never ever happens. Or its sequel. Or prequel.)


Twice! LOL It wasn't bad enough that the kid died years ago, but let's do the play again and use the exact same set up.

There were so many things wrong with this movie, this is just one. It was absolutely terrible.


Plus the side door that lets them in? No school would let that door be open. I mean especially after school hours. They would have that door chained & locked at all times. Because if they didn't. That would allow anyone to just enter the school whenever they wanted. No school would do that.

I've written a script with Jen in mind as the lead. It's a comedy Life As Liz. PM if interested.


If you are so smart misc1010 and don't think stupid things happen in this day and age why is it that someone in another thread mentioned a drama teacher that wanted more realism in the play and thus had a student shoot a gun with blanks and the kid ended up killing himself with it? The teacher is still teaching btw which is completely idiotic.


I'm sorry, but this has "urban legend" all over it. Newspaper stories or it didn't happen.



The fact pfeifer was still in high school despite the fact she would have been at least 19 years old if she was conceived in 1993.....



Don't forget, even though they've got phones on them, at least one of which is guaranteed because Cassidy flashes Ryan's (?) in the dark theater, but moments later, everyone is running to "look for a phone" in the office.

If they look for their own phones then Reese also discovers early that his is gone and then the "surprise twist" when they find it dialing in a locker is lost, so we can understand why they don't do that one, but why doesn't Reese already recognize that he can't find his, based upon a scene where he should be scrambling around his pockets for it?.

There are too many more examples of Roger Ebert's "idiot plot" crammed into this one to count - about the only interesting and original thought the writers had in connection with this screenplay, was the characterization and setup of Pfeifer.
