MovieChat Forums > The Gallows (2015) Discussion > The Gallows: An Incompetent Production o...

The Gallows: An Incompetent Production on Just About Every Level

“The Gallows” is a lazy and incompetent production on just about every level, from the writing and directing to the acting and the camerawork. There is not a shred of originality, and certainly not any scares, to be found in this heavily-lacking “found footage” mess that merely comes off as a worse-than-usual direct-to-DVD release that somehow found its way onto the big screen.


“The Gallows” is a lazy and incompetent production on just about every level

I just watched it and I agree. I know that is a very bad thing to say on IMDB, but honestly, this was one of the worst films I've seen in an extremely long time.

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ-Gandhi


I think the acting was good. It's the script that sucked. I mean, you hated Ryan and the cheerleader, and felt bad for Pfeifer and Reese. At least I did, and that's good acting. They get extra credit for the script being weak.the lighting was nice. It's just the story was too cheesy, too weak. Plot holes like Swiss cheese, etc.


So much, my tolerance level is set rather low, a horror film has to be extraordinarily bad for my response to be that "nothing happened".. Nothing did happen in this movie. Just a batch of kids wandering around for hours being spooked at literally nothing 92% of the time. Walls and windows draped in night vision, that's what frightened these kids.
