MovieChat Forums > The Gallows (2015) Discussion > Things that could have made it good.

Things that could have made it good.

Have Ryan have a motive why he was such an ass to the drama kids. (Because he thought it was messed up they were putting on a play where someone died) make him less annoying tho. Also don't kill him at the beginning since it was obvious he was the protagonist .

Don't have all the characters be such unlike able dicks. Even the theater nerds were . Give them motives why they are the way they are.

Make the film seem realistic . The football scene was so fake just leaving in the middle of practice ? I got chewed out for looking away sometimes.


Well for one, not have them running around like a first person shooter.


Agree make it an actual movie.


- Cut out the fact that Pfeiffer was Charlie's daughter. Stupid, pointless, didn't make any sense. Shoehorned in there for no reason.

- Would've turned Charlie's motivation of revenge against Reese/'s father -- which was a leap -- into him being mad that those kids were destroying the set. It's his haunt, after all, and he died for the play that they were spitting in the face of. Respect the art of theater!

- The play was never finished. Not in 1993 because of Charlie death -- and not in rehearsals because the director kept calling cut. So, the ending should've been Pfeiffer and Reese finally finishing their lines and kissing on stage, which would've "appeased" Charlie and given him closure.

- Tone down Ryan and the constant shouting.

- Cut out the found footage angle; it made a lot of the reveals feel contrived and nonsensical. And sometimes what was on screen was hard to follow because of it.


That would have been a dang good film


Damn, you're bang on.

It would have worked much better if he had just wanted to see the play end. They could have had Reese in the noose and choking but surviving at the end, however the actual actor was supposed to survive the scene and then leaving.

Would have been more interesting.

Also the cops part was stupid. So they laid low for 17 years to get their ultimate revenge but at the end they'ar killing police officers?

