MovieChat Forums > We Are What We Are (2013) Discussion > Sundance screenings reactions

Sundance screenings reactions

It looks like Jim Mickle proves he isn´t one hit wonder. I found two very positive reviews for the film so far and some positive tweets. If someone attended Sundance screening please share some of your thoughts here

"I just want to be somebody" Harry Fabian- Night And The City


We just got back from the screening at the Tower Theatre in SLC, which had an 11:59 pm show.
I must admit I am not familiar with Jim Mickle's work so I have no basis for comparison. The audience reaction was mostly positive, I think, with most of the viewers staying after for a Q&A session with the director, Bill Sage and Wyatt Russell. I thought that there wouldn't be much in the way of twists and surprises once you know "the secret" but there were actually a few unexpected events. The audience was on the edge of their seats for the last 45 minutes, some jumped, some shouted, some groaned or squealed at the appropriate moments. There was lots of chucking and laughter as well. Jim Mickle said the audience reacted as he thought we would. He was pleased and happy and excited as one can imagine, presenting his creation to the world. I see it has an 8.8 rating as of this moment, which is pretty spot on. The acting was incredible, I particularly liked Julia Garner who plays the middle child, Rose. She has such stage presence.
We had a fun time. I have to say that it was strange watching it, knowing the director and some cast and crew were there.
A side note, Joey Lauren Adam was there too.
Go Dean!Squad


Thanks for yout opinion. Just one more question? How was the music, if you noticed? Was it like classic orchestra or something more modern and moody(electronic, ambient)? Can you compare it to something? -- And definitely rent director´s previous film - Stake Land

"I just want to be somebody" Harry Fabian- Night And The City


I'd say more modern and moody. It was haunting and a bit bluesy to reflect on the Catskills area, very small town and rural. My husband thought that the music was used too much to create artificial suspense like most horror movies do but I didn't notice that - or maybe it just didn't bother me like it did him.

Go Dean!Squad
