
Wow. Scary!!! Hmmm. What was the border like when Ronnie Reagan was Prezz like when he was handing out amnesty??

Drugs?? Who's providing the biggest market for drugs in the freaking world? People stop getting high and what's the cartels going to do? Sell valium over the internet?

Hey nativist fools. The border is more militarized than ever and desperate people aren't going to stop coming over untill.. Oh greedy employers stop hiring them for their cheap labor perhaps?

And what have Americans to fear from terrorism when the NSA is building the mother of all data centers in Utah to store and snoop all the world's internet traffic even if it's 256-bit+ encrypted?

A stupid film for stupid people. Should do about as well as "The Undefeated".


I only saw the trailer and I already agree with you: a stupid movie made for stupid people. Baiscally it is saying "immigrants are bad, cowboys are good".

America should remember that the entire country is made of... IMMIGRANTS.

Drugs are bad, that's obvious. But that is just like saying that muslims are terrorists and Germans are nazis.

The bottomline is that most immigrants go to America to work and raise their families. Some of them are doing this for decades and they still have to live illegally. They don't pay taxes because they are not allowed to -- and they surely get no benefits from the government.

America, however (and differently from this biased, conservative load of cr#p documentary) treats the illegal immigrants with quite much respect. On banks, bakeries, shops they are, generally, trated with respect. Because this is everyday life and people see that they are merely working and contributing to the growth of the country.

It is not a simple matter of "taking jobs". How many white Americans are willing to work in newspaper delivery? -- try watching "A Day without a Mexican".

A stupid movie made for stupid people (and with stupid journalists praising it).


lol you mean we treat legal immigrants with much respect?

you don't even sound American

and calling something stupid that you admit you have not seen doesn't help much either


what in his post made you think he's not American?


Just watch the movie. I just did. And I will take your recommendation on "a day without a Mexican". Just don't be a close-minded ignoramus. I can't believe you admit in the message boards that you haven't seen the movie and imdb allowed you to review it.


I'd probably disagree with you politically on this issue and likely others as well, but that is a very obvious good point. No matter which side of the political fence you're on, using ideology to keep yourself from a genuine effort to see and evaluate something is no good. And if you're even a little bit center-left, one of the things you probably hate most about the nutbag right wing in this country is that they do exactly that, all the time. Doing it in return is pure hypocrisy, it really is.


and they surely get no benefits from the government.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow, tell me you aren't serious.


did we start giving illegals healthcare recently?


Nope, not recently. It's actually been going on 30 years now. According to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986, nobody can be turned away from an emergency room even if they can't pay, regardless of citizenship status, and is paid for by Medicaid. That certainly qualifies as a government benefit that illegals are benefiting from.

A few more bennies from off the top of my head that illegals get:

*IRS tax rebates even though they aren't technically eligible and the majority don't pay any taxes at all. In 2010, over $4 billion was paid by the IRS to illegal aliens in the form of Additional Child Tax Credits and Earned Income Tax Credits.

*Until VERY recently, illegal immigrant expecting mothers received free pre-natal care through Medicaid.

*Illegal immigrant children getting access to public schools.

*Many states allow illegal aliens to benefit from in-state college tuition rates. Illegal immigrants also benefit from affirmative action and on top of that are getting taxpayer funded scholarships in some areas!

*Illegal immigrants are voting.

*Illegal immigrants can obtain a Visa by marrying a citizen.

And all of this isn't even taking into consideration pregnant Mexicans hopping the fence to squeeze out a kid six inches over the border and now they have an anchor baby who is eligible for all of the bennies that citizens get and that the parents will also benefit from. This includes welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, free education, etc. etc. etc.

And now we have Obama popping in, bypassing Congress, and giving amnesty to all of these people!

If these aren't considered benefits then LOL!


Isn't it funny how Mitt Romney just said that 'free' emergency room visits is a great alternative for people who can't afford medical care?

Also: illegal immigrants aren't voting. Fact.


What does any of this have to do with Mitt Romney? Did I even write one single word that defends that man? Brilliant straw man lol.

And if you don't think that any illegal immigrants are voting then you are *beep* delusional. Only two states require any sort of ID for voter registration, so there is little incentive to not vote, especially for candidates that are going to give you back door amnesty.

You may want to familiarize yourself with Keathley v. Holder and Kimani v. Holder, by the way.


What is most hilarious is that most economists and studies that have been done shows that immigration and yes even illegal immigration has been and is an enormous boon to the American economy ;)


Its been a boon to companies and people that hire them. But the true cost is destruction of social safety nets,schools and healthcare. Don't watch a documentary if you think someone is lying. Come down to these border states. They're like warzones and it looks more like Mexico than US.Not putting troops on the border is an act of betrayal and probably treason by the federal government.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Yes, I live in North Carolina and all children of illegal immigrants are allowed Medicaid, WIC, and Food Stamps. In addition, they are allowed to attend our schools even though their parents do not pay any taxes into the system. Illegal immigrants are allowed medical care because hospitals cannot turn patients away. However, the illegal immigrants just stiff the hospital on the medical bills and there is nothing that the hospitals can do about it. In addition, illegal immigrants are allowed to drive our streets with no car insurance.

My daughter's elementary school is called an ESL school (as are most schools in Charlotte). ESL stands for English as a Second Language. The schools focus more on educating Spanish speaking students than they do English speaking students. Her school is 95% Hispanic and the curriculum is geared towards teaching Hispanic students who do not speak English very well. Since my daughter was not getting the education that she deserved (and that I paid for), I pulled her out and home-schooled her until I got her into a more balance IB middle school.

So, yes...illegal immigrants get a CRAP LOAD of government assistance. In the meantime, half of our libraries have been closed down and many of our schools because they are being overused and there is not enough tax dollars being put back into the system. And when I go to the grocery store, I stand behind a line of Hispanics with their 4 kids cashing in their WIC checks. Go ahead and look it up.


You're right, that's an erroneous statement. However, so was the one about illegal immigrants not being allowed to pay taxes, in that same comment.
The government does allow them to pay taxes, and they often do. It may not even always be income tax, but there are other taxes due: property, real-estate, sales, etc... There's no lack of taxation to go around.
And, income tax, especially 1099, is something many illegal immigrants do pay, they just don't get to acquire Social Security or Unemployment benefits.
Maybe I shouldn't be making this comment because I don't have enough information to make concrete examples, but if you look it up, in general, I am right about this.


The Obama gang are advertising in Mexico for them to come over and get benefits. They get food stamps,child support,medical,legal. Many went back home because they couldn't find work in this economy and are now encouraged to come back with great hand outs. They even have their own lobby. Of cource there are people that will help you sign up and help you vote democrat.



The Obama gang are advertising in Mexico for them to come over and get benefits. They get food stamps,child support,medical,legal. Many went back home because they couldn't find work in this economy and are now encouraged to come back with great hand outs. They even have their own lobby. Of cource there are people that will help you sign up and help you vote democrat.



We can expect this film to and thus this board to be swamped with people who have never watched it and never will. But they will gleefully spout the apologists agenda for illegal aliens and play the race card at every opportunity. The one thing they won't do is make logical, on topic arguments, the above OP being a prime example.


I don't think anyone needs to watch myopic garbage propaganda to know what they'll think when said film advertises itself as such.

I don't need to watch Fox News to know they're conservative, for instance.


How is the border more militarized than ever?You're lying.I lived near the borders and you don't find any soldiers. You want to see a militarized border go to Korea.You want to see a real wall and fence go to Israel.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


If you don't like undocumented people coming over the border to take crappy low paying jobs, don't hire them. Don't pick them up at the Home Depot to line your pockets with their cheap labor..

No need to spend your tax dollars on expensive fences or troops or anything like that.


I'm not making the hiring decisions. The useless governments should punish these companies.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Militarized than ever? LMAO!! Go to Korea and that is a militarized border. I can walk right through US-Mexico border.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Oh please as if the US didn´t have a stranglehold on Mexico and the rest of Latin America. You harvest what you sow, it´s America´s fault that many people go there illegaly. If Latin America ever decided to eject US corporations, the US would invade them right away, they take and benefit much more than they contribute. Until America realizes corporations aren´t "job creators" this "problem" will never go away.

Illegal immigrants and minorities aren´t responsible for America´s problems, they are merely the scapegoat. Just about every sector of the US population has taken heat at some point. German Americans during both World Wars, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, African Americans, etc...
