Golden Shower scene

I understand the scene that Jodorowsky wife pee on him represent one more time the female power and sensitivity healing her man, but why was made that way? Why peeing? Looks for me just a appelative way to make a polemic scene, to make people talk about it, was the only scene out of the contest in the movie, IMO. Somebody have any interpretation or explanation? Thanks in advance.


Good question. Not too sure but I could guess it has to do with intention and shamanism, since its Jodorowsky.
You know how one could piss on another for humiliation?
It's probably the opposite. A cleansing positive wash. Pee is filtration of the stuff the body shouldn't have, so they're both being cleansed in some sort.
Also it takes a lot of love to let someone take a whizz in yo face.


I spoke to my girl about this scene, and she reminded me she did it because he was touched a leper and the urine acts like a disinfectant.


...and sex is healing. I mean well: Lazarus, rise and pee.


It was the only scene out of context in the movie? In your opinion.

Well, maybe you're just a prude who has yet to notice this aspect of yourself. Notice how it's okay in your mind to have a man kick some crippled people, but if you see a woman peeing it's somehow unfitting or in bad taste as you seem to allude? Perhaps the only problem is your own perception of sexuality and/or nudity. Ever thought of that?

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!
