My Dream Cast for season 2

First of all I know they were trying something new but can we not with the teams

1. Willam (Duhhhhh!!!!!)
2. Alaska (so robbed her season)
3. Detox
4. Alyssa Edwards
5. Adore Delano (my personal favorite queen to ever appear on the show)
6. Courtney Act
7. Delta Work
8. Ginger Minge (Should have won this season)
9. Pearl
10. Katya (best queen from season 7)
11. Trixie Mattel
12. Morgan McMichaels
13. Latrisse Royale (would love to see her compete on her own)
Now that would a season to watch hope they follow suit


I love Latrisse Royale! I wish they had brought her back! I'm happy to see Detox though, love her too!!


The b!tch already had her chance! Latrice did well the 1st go round of All-Stars partnered with Manila Luzon! 

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Latrice competed in All Stars in 2012 paired with Manila


I would go with Jessica Wyld and Joslyn Fox.

I also would liked to have seen April Carrion get a chance in All Stars. She finished high in her first challenge doing something pretty amazing with that Duck Dynasty box, her following low finishes could be attributed to being miscast for both DRAG RACE ME TO HELL and SHADE, THE RUSICAL. Her fashion and styling were pretty damn good, and her lip-syncs were incredible (including her elimination, but then April AND Trinity BOTH killed it).


God I want Willam again so bad
He brought me into drag race
